
PE teachers dissolved from criminal misconduct

The Manhattan Junior High PE teacher, who worked out of the building and paid for alleged inappropriate inappropriate behaviors that had been triggered against the guidelines of the board committees, was released on Friday morning of criminal misconduct.

On March 5, the school district submitted an explanation to the parents in which they had been made aware that the “district quickly began an investigation of the allegations and take steps to ensure the security and well -being of our students”, in which “they would remain vigilant in order to proactively clear up all concerns”.

The district had the support of the Manhattan police support in the “statement whether a complaint that they received about a teacher had applied for a criminal nature.”

On Friday, March 14th, the head of the Manhattan Police Department of Ryan Gulli issued a release in which the PE teacher for criminal misconduct was deleted. The explanation stated that the examination could be reopened if further evidence is uncovered.

“Detectives of the Manhattan police, with the support of the Ministry of Children's and Family Services, wants County Children's Advocacy Center and the law firm of Will County State's, started an investigation immediately to determine whether a violation of non-authorized video recordings (720 ILCS 5/26-4) took place. On the basis of this investigation, it was found that no criminal charges are being pursued at this point, ”the explanation said.

The meeting of the school council on March 12th on March 12th drawn attention to the attention of the media in Chicago – but outside of some public comments, the meeting was on business as usual.

Vice President Emily Wesel led the meeting in the absence of President John Burkes and often turned to Supt. Ron Pacheco for instructions.

The teacher and member of the Alicia Tooley teacher union first spoke during the public comments, praised the teachers and thanked those who appeared to fair and just negotiations before the union.

“The staff here is committed. They were engaged by all things and are still committed, ”confirmed Tooley.

The parents Kim Russell said next and praised the teachers of the district before shared their concerns.

“It only seems to me that there was so much hidden,” said Russell and asked which policy the district followed and when the parents and the community could expect important events such as the teacher to be accompanied by the property.

Russell said that she had never met something like this and was “shaken” by the lack of communication from the district.

The next step was Katie Pavur on the actions of the board and questioned the actions of the board, whereby they did not seem to follow their own guidelines and contracts of the district and seemed to apply arbitrarily.

“For two reasons, I question this for two reasons: number one, the discipline written in your contract is not the case with what is currently happening, and number two, our board members violated the sexual harassment, and you are still actively involved,” said Pavur.

“So what guidelines are enforced and for whom and for whom and will that be another complaint?” Pavur asked.

Eric Aultz spoke recently and found that the media had no call because the district gave a sufficient amount of bad news.

Kim Maher kept a long presentation in which it was explained how the district decided the new four-stage bell plan that the proposed schedule was not passed on to the public, nor was it a film in the presentation.

Wesel asked for an application for approval of the unknown bell times and the minor calendar changes, which caused a noise. Someone shouted: “What are you?” refers to the unknown bell times.

Supt. Pacheco cracked a joke that made the crowd with laughter before reading the proposed bell plan: Tier 1, Mis, starts at 7:30 p.m. with a discharge from 2 p.m. Tier 2, MJHS, starts at 8:10 a.m. with a discharge from 2:40 pm; Tier 3, Anna McDonald, begins at 8:40 a.m. with a discharge from 3:10 pm; and Tier 4, Wilson Creek, starts at 9:10 a.m. with a discharge from 3:40 p.m.

The timing gave the crowd and many board members a break.

Board member Donald Knoll first asked to be skipped, but the dividing of calendar changes from the Bell Times according to the board member Barb Steffen, who followed Knoll in the roll call, even after a long break.

“To be honest, the board does not have to approve the bell plan. This is a recommendation, but President Burke wanted the board to support it, ”said Pacheco and noted that it was best to approve earlier than later.

At this point, Knoll and others said that they wanted to have more time to check it. The calendar was approved and the bell plan was submitted. The board updated its bullying guideline and added a report side to the website's website.

In addition, the board of directors approved the extension and term for several teachers as well as the resignation of some less teachers and Wilson Creek deputy director Megan Conlin.

Board member Terry Doyle interfered and thanked Conlin for her hard work.

Pacheco added: “You are missing.” Pacheco noticed that Conlin had resigned because she found a position in which she could work near home.

The Board of Directors also unanimously approved the non-new construction of a subject teacher. The district refused to comment on the action.

“I want to say that it is – this is a hard job, and I just want to thank everyone for being here tonight. It's just a difficult thing and I hope everyone has a good night. That's just everything I wanted to say, ”said Wesel and completed the meeting.

Stephanie Irvine is a freelance reporter.