
Photos of suspects published in Jim Massey's robbery and attack



The Montgomery police published photos of the four people who were suspected of robbed of a Montgomery business and attacked its owner.

The incident occurred on Monday around 6:00 p.m. in Jim Massey's cleaning staff in the South Street.

Owner Jim Massey said he was grateful to be alive after the terrible torture.

Massey was alone in his office around 6 p.m. when he heard a loud crash. When he researched, he was confronted by a man who hurried along the hallway.

Massey said when the man came closer, he realized that he had on a mask, safety glasses and a hat. The suspect grabbed with another mass and demanded that he opened the safe.

The suspects wore hard hats and reflective construction vests, said Massey. After telling them that the combination for the safe was kept on his phone in his office, one of the suspects hit him.

After finally bringing his phone, the suspects forced him to unlock the safe. She directed it, bound his feet in addition to his already threshold hands and took his car keys before fled in front of the scene. The entire incident only lasted six or seven minutes.

Massy's car was found a few hours after the robbery three blocks from his office.

Central Alabama Crimestoppers offers a cash reward for information that leads to the identity of the suspects.

Anyone who has information about this case is asked to call crimestops immediately under 215 stop.