
Pi Day 2025 Deals: Here you will find discounts related to cakes to round off your celebration

Pi Day is not just about showing how many numbers you have learned. Restaurants offer offers and discounts on pizza on Friday, March 14th.

The PI day takes place on March 14th because the date in the USA is written as 3.14. Pi is the ratio of the scope of a circle to its diameter or approximately 3.14 (its precise value is infinite and cannot be calculated). March 14th is Albert Einstein's birthday.

RELATED: What is Pi Day? What you should know about your vacation to celebrate the beloved irrational number of mathematics

With the food, restaurants with such offers are offered with such offers in order to draw customers to fast leisure and fast food chains.

The PI Day has also become a synonym for pizza cake (and other round food) – here are some offers to round off your celebration.

Best Pi Day Deals for 2025

Blaze Pizza

Build-your-down pizza chain Blaze offers an 11-inch pizza from Buy One. Get another for 3.14 US dollars in the shop at participating locations.

BJS restaurant & Brewhouse

When customers are dine-in customers in the BJ's restaurant & Brewhouse buy a pizookie, you can get a second for 3.14 US dollars.

California pizza kitchen

CPK Rewards members can receive an original BBQ chicken, pepperoni or a traditional cheese pizza for $ 3.14 with a dine-in purchase of $ 25.

Taco Bell

Get a Mexican pizza from Taco Bell for only $ 3.14 at the PI Day 2025.

Pizza hut

Suck a “Pizza Charcuterie Board” by Pizza Hut on the PI day. For 24.99 US dollars, you can adapt two medium -sized pizzas, bone wings and bread forces.

This story was originally published and updated in 2024.

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