
Pickens County man, who was arrested by the Georgia Bureau of Invest …

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation recently arrested a man from Jasper for sexual exploitation of children.

Said the GBI They began with the examination of James Arthur Puddick, 29, after having received a report from the National Center for Most Vermised and exploited children about the possible online ownership and the distribution of sexual abuse of children.

The Sheriff office of Pickens County, the Appalachian Regional Drug Enforcement Office, the GBI Special Operations Unit and the investigation for home protection examinations supported the examination and arrest.

Puddick was instructed to the Pickens County prison And stay there without a bond.

Anyone who has information about other cases of child exploitation is asked to contact the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Child Exploitation and Computer Crimes under 404-270-8870 or to report on the national center for missing and exploited children cybertiplines under

Anonymous tips can also be submitted on the phone number 1-800-597 tips (8477), online at or when downloading the view some mobile app.