
PIN -UP global top tips for the optimal HR formula -Part two

Welcome back to the second part of our deep immersion in the recruitment of Igaming and the HR department Oksana Izmailova, Chief Human Resources Officer from Pin-Up Global.

In part one, Igamingfuture's Curtis Roach and Izmailova discussed how Igaming companies can optimize and scale their HR procedures, automate processes and build up a competitive advantage.

In part two, we are now researching how personal teams create new opportunities for employees and how to avoid the lack of personnel and attract new talents.

With pin-up global, which experiences such quick growth, the employees always have career opportunities. How is your training and development system integrated into the holding company? And how do you help your employees prepare for future management positions?

“The growth and development of the employees of the holding company are one of the most important tasks of the HR team. We offer about 90 percent of the required training courses with internal resources.

“With pin-up we develop a culture of continuous learning. We started and develop our own learning management system with which we produce training courses.

“Among them is a special training program for managers: management courses in which personnel processes and tools are conveyed to the selection of high -performance teams.

“We also have a mentoring program in which experienced employees offer these instructions and training for their colleagues.

“We also introduced two types of internships.

“The first project is called” Swipe & Work “, in which employees can familiarize themselves with the work of a division or a team where they may be interested in further career development.

“The second type is a general internship that enables one of our employees to take a day to experience another department.

“If you like the job and there is a vacancy in the department, we offer you an internship time that takes several months. If everything goes well, you can go to the new job permanently. “

The Igaming industry is known for its constant demand for talents. What can we do as a representative of industry to attract new employees and promote internal growth in the future?

“When looking for a job, individuals often prioritize their specific needs. This can include team dynamics, atmosphere at work, management skills, opportunities for professional growth, competition salaries, the ability to implement personal ideas and the overall stability of the company.

“As holding, we consider all of these factors. For example, we carry out salary checks every six months. Before we look for external candidates, we assess our current team members and explore opportunities for promotion to fill vacant vacancies.

“To ensure that our employees feel comfortable, we strive for a positive atmosphere. We keep a zero tolerance policy for toxicity and prejudices and organize various internal events such as corporate meetings, picnic and leisure activities.

“We also strive to understand our employees and satisfy their needs.”

Is there a lack of staff in the Igaming industry?

“A company with money always grows quickly and people are needed for this development. But professionals are always difficult to find. In this context, it is very important to help an attractive employer brand and automation tools.

“Downsizing is rarely discussed in our industry because we are constantly confronted with a lack of staff. Internal attitudes and employee development play a key role here.

“For example, customer service employees know our products very well, so that we can instruct them to open positions with the help of mentoring programs, internships and training courses.

“The challenge for every company is to build these processes: on the one hand, automation and career progress, growth and the movement of the employees within the company. The maturity and experienced management is very important in the setting process. “

Is the game industry often filled with employees from other industries?

“Of course, people from other areas join the sector. But our niche is pretty specific. It takes a long time for people to adapt – of course.

“Take the banking sector, for example. We have our whole life to do with it in one way or another. Accordingly, we have information about how banking works. Things are different with igaming. There are no books about the organization of this business or how processes should be structured.

“As a result, employees who change from other sectors have difficulty keeping up. The amount of information, in particular industry -specific information, can be overwhelming. For this reason, the industry mainly relies on the internal setting, which is also contributed to a lack of personnel.

“We are working on it. We have developed a special training course for managers that we stop from outside of our industry.

“Overall, I would say that 2025 should be a phase of implementing many plans, the introduction of cool projects and scaling with pin-up.”

Note from the publisher:

A well -built HR department is responsible for far more than just attitude and shooting. As Izmailova described in Part 1, it must be available and integrated into every level of an organization in order to be fully functional.

But things don't end here.

The Igaming industry suffers from a lack of talent.

In order to mitigate this and to support the sustainable growth of the industry, brands not only have to position themselves as attractive employers and meet the expectations of the employees, but also create a great work environment in which the HR department supports continuous development, facilitates internal migration and promotes the excitement in preparation for future management rollers.

However, Izmailova warns that there is a balance between internal and external personnel practices, since an over -control of internal hiring to industry shortages contributes.

For this reason, PIN-up globally specialized training courses have developed-in addition to its internal mentoring and training programs to quickly focus on newcomers to the industry.