
Piper, no! Parker poseys viral white lotus accent is a gift for all of us The white lotus

EThe very season of the White Lotus has its thing: a moment that decreases and becomes its own monster until the end of the end rolls the final. The first season was the suitcase Poop scene, such a bizarre groundbreaking effect that other showrunner publicly thought about how much it has to cost. The second season was Jennifer Coolidge and said: “This gay, they try to murder me” what they will see three times a minute when they look at the Instagram stories from anyone.

It may be too early to definitely say what the third season is – the white lotus always goes from a start to a Mutso finale, and we still have three episodes left to really improve things – but there are already a few competitors. For a while it has looked as if it might have been Jason Isaac's penis until he violently closed the conversation last week. And that leaves the most spectacular thing about the season: Parker Poseys accent.

For the newcomers, Posey plays on the White Lotus Victoria Ratliff, a wealthy matriarch in North Carolina, which is often geared towards Lorazepam. In contrast to her husband on the screen, Jason Isaacs, whose accent often moves to Australia in times of great drama, Posey's accent is determined. She moans all of her lines through her swinding mouth and forces many more syllables from the words than everyone had ever thought (the verbal origami that she used, who transformed the word “society” into the amazingly drawn “SohsoiietAy” this week deserves special attention). It is incredible. In Parker's hand, every line becomes an obstacle course.

It is also fascinating to observe the reaction to it in real time. At first the accent seemed to confuse the audience, with Twitter users describing him as “confusing” or -worse -to describe it with GIFs by Jennifer Coolidge, which looked amazed. But then Parker went on the offensive.

In the Today show at the beginning of this month, she delivered the funniest words that a wealthy woman in Nordkarolin in Southeast Asia can say, including “Tsunami” and “Buddhism”. Last week, while promoting the show, Parker claimed that her accent had received the seal of approval of the actual Nordkaroliner, albeit the Nordkaroliner who struggled during the Paris Fashion Week. “There were these people from North Carolina in the hotel,” she said, “and they only said that we did a great job.

And now the accent has exceeded all forms of traditional criticism. Parkers White Lotus-Co-Star Patrick Schwarzenegger became viral because he made his own impression of her during an interview, followed by the bizarre sight of two women who “no, tsunami!” In tortured southern accents while pouring each other with hairspray.

This was the encouragement that TikKok needed. The platform is now overcrowded with ranked lists of Posey's line readings, mainly from its today's show appearance, from which “Piper, no” seems to be the clear winner. Influencers have started to make Victoria Ratliff Cosplay videos. Clips have appeared from Parker, which forced their interviewers, “Piper, no!” with her. The official White Lotus account even joined the act and published supercuts of all time when her character said the word “Lorazepam”.

We all live here now. The actual action of the white lotus – suspects who is killed by whom and how – has taken the verbal strangled of Parker Posey into the background. We now live in a world in which the word “understanding” has become “unobstructed” for four-syllable giants, in which “normal” now “norramhul” is pronounced and in which “don't” is integrated into the two-word phrase “doh went”.

In truth, this could happen. The virality of this strength often lives hard and dies young. And as already mentioned, the show is just going on. In every episode of The White Lotus, such a carnival vortex of the infinite madness will be in fourteen days that we will take the simple joys of watching a loved one, taking the word “guru” and making seven bells out of it. But I don't hope. Parker Posey's white lotus accent is a real beauty and it deserves to be remembered forever. If you don't get this in the meantime, I can't help you to be understandable.