
Pirates on a good start News, sports, jobs

Pittsburgh Pirates Startkrug Carmen Mlodzinski, which delivers (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough) on Saturday, February 22, 2025 during the first inning of a baseball game against Baltimore Orioles on Saturday, February 22, 2025, in Sarasota, Florida)

From Mirror reports

Bradenton, Florida-Die Pittsburgh Pirates, the Minnesota Twins dropped 5-1 on Sunday to start the 2025 exhibition season 2-0.

Mitch Keller started for the pirates and threw two goalless innings, and Caleb Ferguson fired two goals in his pirate debut.

Ke'bryan Hayes took care of the bat of spring in his first, and Termarr Johnson pressed a run-scoring single in the four-run seventh of the pirates in the seventh inning.

On Saturday, the pirates opened the spring game in Sarasota, Florida, and hit the Baltimore Orioles (10: 5) behind a big day by Matt Gorski.

Gorski hit a Grand Slam in the ninth in ninth after having broken a 3: 3 draw with a Homer with a Homer with two runs.

Henry Davis doubled in his first at Bat, and Endy Rodriguez secured the base in each of his three record appearances.

Non-Coster Invitee Nick Solak went 2: 3 with a double and RBI, and starter Carmen Mlodzinski allowed two races in two innings of work.

Paul Slenes is expected to celebrate his spring debut on the hill in Clearwater, Florida, against which Philadelphia Phillies celebrates his spring debut.