
Police Ice KC Kei Schießerei Sacrifice that died after being stopped in the hospital

Kansas City-Laut KCPD officer Alayna Gonzalez, who examined the victim as a 19-year-old Diego Lopez-Hernandez as an 19-year-old Dergo Lopez-Hernandez, identified the victim.

Shortly after 2a.M. On Tuesday, the police were sent to the 3700 block of St. John Avenue at a reported shootout.

On arrival, no shooting was immediately at the scene of the crime. While the officers spoke to spectators in the area, they were informed as a shootout. Later identified as Lopez-Hernandez, a private vehicle arrived in a regional hospital. The victim suffered from several gunshot wounds.

Further investigations showed that the incident may have taken place in a separate place near Sunrise Drive and Cliff Drive Place.

Shortly after 6a.M. The detectives were notified by the hospital employee that Lopez-Hernandez had been given for deceased. There is currently no preliminary information about what leads to the shootings. A topic of interest was not identified, and at that point nobody is in custody.