
Police in Savannah examines shooting with injuries

Detectives of the Savannah Police Department try to find out what has led to a shootout that was injured on a Saturday evening. It happened after 6 p.m. on Sunday in the Live Oak Street near the Waldburg Street. The police did not publish many details, but said that a person was injured in the shootout. This recent filming comes just a few days after a deadly shooting on Friday, also in the Live Oak Street. Chatham County's forensic doctor identified Rason James Lovett, JR, as the victim during this filming on Friday. While his exact age was not released, the police said that Lovett was in the 20s. SPD has not confirmed whether the two shootings are connected. Anyone who has information about the two shootings is asked to call crimestops at 912-234-2020.

Detectives of the Savannah Police Department try to find out what has led to a shootout that was injured on a Saturday evening.

It happened after 6 p.m. on Sunday in the Live Oak Street near the Waldburg Street.

The police did not publish many details, but said that a person was injured in the shootout.

This latest filming will come just a few days after a fatal shooting on Friday, also in the Live Oak Street.

Chatham County's forensic doctor identified Rashen James Lovett, JR, as the victim during this filming on Friday. While his exact age was not released, the police said that Lovett was in the 20s.

SPD has not confirmed whether the two shootings are connected.

Anyone who has information about the two shootings is asked to call crimestops at 912-234-2020.