
Portland Nixes Fire Fusion with Brocton | News, sports, jobs

Observer photos by Braden Carmen Brocton Mayor Craig Miller hoped to discuss a potential fusion between the fire brigades Bropron and Portland. These discussions will not progress.

Portland – The village of Brocton was confident that a fire brigade melting with the city of Portland could train for both sides. The Portland fire brigade does not seem to see it that way.

According to broken interest in a merger in a merger, the fire brigade from Portland scored the idea in recent discussions with the city of Portland. City administrator Rich Lewis told the observer that a potential merger would not be progressed.

The Mayor of Brocton, Craig Miller, a member of the Brocton Fire Department, spoke about the matter after a meeting of the village Board last month. He explained that the talks were in the process early on at that time, but at that time he hoped that all parties involved could find common ground.

In order for a merger to continue, everyone would have to agree – the Brocecton Village Board, the Portland Town Board and the Commissioners who rule the Portland fire brigade. While Brocton seemed to be on board and Lewis was open for the idea to achieve further discussions, members of the fire brigade of Portland were not interested in finding ahead.

The idea of ​​merging Brocton and Portland fire brigades appeared in the past, but did not achieve much traction. Portland is not only to keep its department separate from its neighbor, since the city of Hanover recently discussed the fusion of five fire brigades, which the city convey into a comprehensive district. Three of these five departments refused the proposal – Forestville, Irving and Hannover Center.

Since Portland is not interested in a merger, the village of Brocton is now being commissioned to answer several problems such as registration and the condition of the Brocton Fire Hall. The village received an engineering report from CPL: Architecture Engineering planning, in which the need for significant improvements was emphasized, but the last major grant financing proposal for the village was not selected.

The next meeting of the Brocton Village Board is Wednesday.