
Potal pot – paraplega drawing

There are famous sayings that best describe the times when we live. For example, Emperor Nero fumbles in Roman history while Rome is burning! Which expression best describes the current time of America. I think it can best be described by the following analogy. “A frog is placed in a saucepan with cool water, but the sides of the pot are too deep to be safe. So he just swims around and enjoys the cool water. A fire is started under the pot and the water temperature slowly increases accordingly. The frog only adapts to the increasing water temperature until it reaches a boiling point. Then it is too late and the frog dies. “

The rest of the world observes the second Trump presidency with a large degree of skepticism. Your view of what happens in American politics can best be described with a cancer analogy. The first term of term of Trump's presidency in 2016-20 could be seen as the first and second stage cancer. There was a certain degree of hope that his lack of government would improve, and he would become an effective leader in the free world. That did not happen and he lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden.

He went into political hibernation for a short time, but reappeared and was resumed to regain the presidency in 2024, which he reached. Now, just a month after his presidency, he has demonstrated to the American people and the rest of the world that he will drastically change the government by reducing sensible institutions and long -term agencies that have successfully borne the banner of American superiority all over the world.

Its obvious efforts to ignore the services of the government in favor of the very rich in this nation and the deliberate attempt to ignore the constitution by ignoring the congress for these massive expenses together with his “America First” agenda in the world in the world. The hope that America's prestige and superiority will remain in the world fades quickly.

If the Federal Court Mandates are ignored or not applied for and the courts are not successfully tackled these illegal measures, America issues a serious threat. Democracy is at risk of being replaced by authoritarianism. The dishes are our last hope! So be careful, the pot boils.

John White
