
Pottstown-area churches schedule worship services, special events

First Presbyterian

POTTSTOWN — Join First Presbyterian Church of Pottstown, 750 N. Evans St., on Sunday, March 2, for Faith & Friendship at 9:15 a.m. and worship at 10:30 a.m. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated during worship. Join us on Wednesday, March 5, at 7 a.m. in the Community Room for our Ash Wednesday worship service.

Zion’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — As part of ongoing monthly sharing, Zion’s United Church of Christ, Hanover and Chestnut streets, will join the congregation of Trinity Reformed UCC in worship at 10:15 a.m. Sunday in Trinity’s sanctuary, Hanover and King streets. The congregations led by Rev. Marti Smith and Rev. John Folk will celebrate Transfiguration Sunday with the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Zion’s Bridge Pastor Rev. Smith will preach the sermon.

St. Luke Lutheran

GILBERTSVILLE — You’re welcome to join us tomorrow at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Gilbertsville, for our 9:30 worship on the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Minister Bobbie Hoffman will lead us in worship. The gospel lesson for the day is Luke 9:28-36 [37-43a] Jesus is transfigured on the mountain. Connie Hukari is lector. Communion will be celebrated. Following worship, the congregation is welcome to pick up their fastnachts and Lenten devotional in Memorial Hall! The Community Clothing Rack will be open for donations on March 5 from 1-4 p.m. Ash Wednesday service will be held Wednesday, March 5, at 7 p.m. Join us for Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes.

Bethel Community

POTTSTOWN — On Sunday at 10 AM, it’s “Community Sunday School” when the topic will be “Confidence in God’s Shepherding” based on Psalm 23. At 11 AM, it’s Morning Worship for “Transfiguration Sunday” when we observe the Lord’s Supper. The service is In-Person (575 N. Keim St.) and Live on Facebook Transportation is available by calling 610-326-1700. On Monday, the BCCP Food Pantry is closed. On Tuesday at 6 PM and Thursday at 12 PM, it’s an In-Person (Library) and Virtual Community Bible Study by calling 215-383-1625, Code 198087.

St. John’s ELC

BOYERTOWN — As children of God and disciples of Christ seeking peace and justice in the world, we welcome, affirm, and include all people into the fullness of God’s love. Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 am and livestreamed on YouTube (St. John’s ELC Boyertown). Free drive-through, take-out meals every Saturday evening from 4:30-5:30 pm – no registration necessary. Ash Wednesday worship – March 5 at 7 pm. Lent Evening Prayer Services on Wednesdays, March 12 through April 9 at 7 pm. For updates and further details, check our website at or call the office at 610.369.1024.

Grace Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — Grace Lutheran Church, 660 N. Charlotte St., welcomes you to worship with us as we observe the Transfiguration of Our Lord at 10:15 AM with the Rev. Lauren Cain presiding over communion. The service will be live-streamed on our Facebook page This Sunday is also Preschool Sunday, when we will be celebrating the students and staff of the Grace Early Learning Center. There will be a blessing of the children and their “stuffies.” Fellowship will follow the service in the parish hall.

First Baptist

POTTSTOWN — Join First Baptist Church of Pottstown on this Sunday, March 2, as we explore “Transfigured” at 4:30 PM via Zoom or in person at our worship service at our new location at 414 High St. This winter we continue to worship and learn as we embrace “Radical Hospitality: Celebrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” and this week we focus on Luke, Chapter 9, verses 28-36, as we explore how to help our community thrive in the current environment. Our Weekly Learning Community (Sundays at 3:15 on Zoom or in person) will be discussing prioritizing the needs of others. Check our website for more details:

St. James Lutheran

LIMERICK — St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Road, invites you to join us this Sunday, March 2, at 10 AM. Age-appropriate Christian Education classes will follow the Children’s Message. Holy Communion will be celebrated and everyone is welcome to participate. Three students will also receive their First Holy Communion on Sunday and we congratulate Lars Castner, Cassidy Keyser, Amelia Piccione and their families for this achievement. On Wednesday, March 5, we will begin the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday service at 7 PM. Box City will be hosted by New Hanover Lutheran Church on March 22-23. It will raise awareness of homeless neighbors and raise money for the Pottstown Beacon of Hope. For questions, contact Janet Hilsmier, Director of Family Ministry, at 610-287-7231. Three Bible Study Groups meet weekly. The first meets on Tuesday evenings via Zoom at 6:45 and discusses 1 Samuel. On Thursdays, the Gospel of John is discussed. They meet at the Willow Club House from 11-12:15. On Friday, a Zoom meeting is held from 3:30-4:30 and they are studying Ecclesiastes and learning how this Old Testament book is relative to us today. Contact Bobbie Hoffman at 610- 287-7231, ext. 12.

St. Peter’s Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 564 Glasgow St., will celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Worship Service with Rev. Dr. Ann Baly. Visitors are always welcome. Worship with us online via Facebook on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. or any time during the week on Facebook, YouTube, and our website: Monday, March 3, at 1:00 p.m. LCW Meeting – “Princesses Around the World,” a program by Maryann Owens. Wednesday, March 5, at 5:30 p.m. Soup Supper. Wednesday, March 5, 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Service with Imposition of Ashes with Rev. Dr. Ann Baly

Coventryville UMC

SOUTH COVENTRY — This Sunday, join us for our traditional worship service at 10:30 AM with our new pastor, Rev. Scott Stevenson. Pastor Stevenson will be installed during worship on March 9, with a celebration potluck following the service. Our Thrift Shop is open (typically) on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month, so join us from 9 am – Noon next on March 8. All proceeds benefit the missions and ministries of Coventryville UMC. On March 8, we are also hosting a free Open House for our Little Learners Christian Preschool from 11 am to 1 pm, which will include a free lunch. You can find more information on our website at You can find us at 1521 Old Ridge Rd., Pottstown, PA 19465.

St. Paul’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 927 N. Franklin St., invites you to join us for worship on Sunday, March 2, at 9 a.m. We will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our Bingo Event will be on March 2. Doors open at 12 noon; games begin at 1 p.m. $20 for 20 games. Raffle baskets, 50/50 raffle, and special prize games at additional cost. Lunch items will be available for purchase. We will observe Ash Wednesday with a joint service held at Grace Lutheran Church on Wednesday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m. The service will include Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes. Our Diaper Bank is open on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10 am-12 noon, and from 5-7 p.m. The next date is March 26. The Diaper Bank assists Pottstown families in need with diapers, wipes and other baby essentials. Mark your calendars for our Take-Out-Only Pot Pie Sale on April 5, and our Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt on April 12.

Trinity UCC

POTTSTOWN — Trinity Reformed UCC, 60 N. Hanover St., will worship on March 2 at 10:15 am in our sanctuary. We will be joined by our church family from Zion’s UCC as we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion together as one. Sunday School begins at 9 am. Pastor Marti will offer the message this week. Trinity hosts multiple weekly support groups: Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 7:30 pm every Monday, New Horizons (Narcotics Anonymous) meets at 7 every Tuesday and Thursday, Taking Back our Power (mental health support) meets at 1 pm every Thursday, and Breath of Hope (Narcotics Anonymous) meets at 7:30 every Friday. We have partnered with Creative Kiddie Care to provide before and after-school care for elementary-aged children and are accepting enrollees. We continue to offer a community meal for anyone in need at 5 pm every Tuesday. This week the Sheeler and Schwab families will be sponsoring the meal. Trinity will be having our free fresh produce giveaway on Saturday, March 22, from 10-12 pm for anyone in the community who is in need.

Harvest Fellowship

BOYERTOWN — Harvest Fellowship Church, 584 Colebrookdale Road, invites you to join us this Sunday, Mar. 2, at 10:15 am for weekly gathered worship proclaiming Jesus as Lord. Pastor Andrew will be preaching on divine simplicity, addressing the Biblical teaching that God is not complex, but rather He is simple. At the close of the service, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. Our winter edition of Dinner and Doctrine with guest speaker Pastor Benenz Hitchcock will be held later in the day at 6 pm and is open to the public! Our website:

Congregation Hesed Shel Emet

POTTSTOWN — Upcoming Shabbat Services will be on March 8 and 29 and April 5. Purim is March 14. Services are both in-person and virtual via Zoom. Visitors are welcome. Rabbi Cynthia Kravitz hosts noontime and evening adult education sessions. Contact: 610-326-1717. Email:

Calvary UCC

BARTO — Calvary United Church of Christ is hosting a free prom attire and accessories giveaway for Students in the greater Barto, Bechtelsville, and Boyertown area this Saturday, March 5, from 9-11 am in our upper-level narthex and fellowship hall. Dresses, gowns, suits, purses, shoes, etc., are available. Worship on Sunday, March 6, will begin at 9:30 am. Pastor David Brumbaugh will preach the sermon “When Eyes are Opened” for Transfiguration Sunday. Calvary Barto will host their next community flea market and 50-cent clothing & more sale on Saturday, April 15, from 8-11 am. Ash Wednesday service of sacrament and the imposition of ashes will take place in the church’s worship center on Wednesday, March 5, beginning at 7 PM.

Cedarville UMC

NORTH COVENTRY — Join us Sunday for services at 8 am & 11 am (Traditional) and 9:30 am (Contemporary) led by Pastor Mike Remel. Children ages 4 to 6th grade are dismissed from the 9:30* and 11* services for Sunday School and Nursery* care is available. The first Community Lenten Service will be Wednesday, March 5, at 7 PM at Cedarville with Rev. Rick Knarr preaching. The Men’s breakfast meets Thursdays at 7:30 AM at the WQ Diner. New members to the Bell Choir, Chancel Choir and Praise Team are always welcome. AA (Room 105) and Al-Anon (Room 108) meet Thursdays at 7 PM. Bible Studies meet in Room 103 Monday 7 PM, Wednesday 10 AM, 1 PM, Thursday 1 PM, 5:30 PM and Friday 9 AM (Zoom). Call the church office at 610-326-4173 for details. The next session of Grief Share will begin on Wednesday, March 12, from 6:30-8 PM. Collections for Mission First (Cedarville’s outreach at 414 E. High St.) include pop-top ready-to-microwave meals, or Hormel Compleats, mac & cheese, ready-to-eat bags of chicken, tuna, or ham salad, saltines, TastyKakes, granola bars, pudding, cups, canned fruit, or applesauce cups. To help, call Clare at 610-326-0560 or email:

Christ Lutheran

BARTO — Christ Lutheran Church will worship on this, the Transfiguration of our Lord Sunday, on Sunday, March 2, at 9 a.m. Holy Communion worship service. Coffee and Conversation will be held at 8:30 a.m. The FUN Committee is hosting a Mardi Gras Fastnacht Coffee Hour at 10 a.m. in the Welcome Center. The Confirmation Class will meet at 10 a.m. in Room I for class. Property Committee will meet on Monday, March 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the Welcome Center. The Mercy Ministry committee will meet on Tuesday, March 4, at 10 a.m. in room H. The Senior Choir will rehearse at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5, prior to the Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m. at Christ Lutheran. Ash Wednesday’s service will be a service of the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. We invited members from St. Paul’s Lutheran and the community to join us. The church is located at 222 Niantic Road between Routes 663 and 100, about a mile east of Bally.

Emmanuel Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — You are invited to join us for worship on Sunday, March 2, at 10:45 AM as we celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord. The service features traditional and contemporary aspects. Pastor Carl Filer will preside over the communion service and offer the day’s message, “Visions of Glory.” Ample parking can be found in our lot behind the church on the corner of Walnut and Penn Streets. Services are broadcast live on our Facebook page at Services remain online for viewing at a time convenient to our members and friends. Come early and join us for Coffee Hour at 9:30 AM in the Genesis Room. Adult Sunday School is held in the Main SS Room at 9:30 AM. Midweek Lenten services begin on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and continue through April 9 at 7 PM. Join us as we examine our relationship with God and with others. In “By His Stripes,” we will follow Christ along his Lenten way and discover how He claims us and all our relationships. NOTE: The March 5 service will be held in the Sanctuary, and March 12 through April 9 will be held in the Chapel – use the Walnut Street entrance.

St. Gabriel Catholic

STOWE — Join us for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass will be celebrated Saturday at 4 PM and Sunday at 9 AM (the Rosary will be recited before Mass). Confessions are heard on Saturday afternoons from 3-3:45 pm. We are now live streaming services for those who cannot make it to church due to health concerns: Santina’s Kitchen/Douglassville Cafe gift certificates ($15/each) are available for purchase at the parish office. Meatball and Sauce Sale – pick up times – #1 Saturday, March 1 from 10 AM to 12 PM and #2 Saturday, March 1 after 4 PM Mass. Ash Wednesday is March 5. Mass is at 9 am and in St. Aloysius School Gym at 10:15 am, Noon, and 7 pm.  For more information, visit our Facebook page: or our website:

Open Table UCC

POTTSTOWN — Open Table United Church of Christ is a Jesus-centered faith community. We are an open and affirming congregation founded on the expansive and expanding love of God as made known by Jesus Christ. We affirm the worth, dignity, and inherent belovedness of all people, celebrating our various genders, sexual orientations, gender identities/expressions, abilities, ages, races, nationalities, faith backgrounds, marital standings, and family configurations. We gather weekly on Sunday at 10 am at Steel River Playhouse (245 E. High St.), and our services are live-streamed on YouTube. Visit or email us at

Pawling Independent Baptist

PHOENIXVILLE — The regular schedule for Pawling Independent Baptist Church, 400 Pawlings Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460, is Sunday School at 9:45 am, Sunday morning worship at 11 am; Sunday evening worship at 6 pm, and Tuesday Prayer and Bible Study at 7 pm. For more information, visit or call 610-933-6517.

Area houses of worship are invited to share their news for our free weekly listings. Email information to Mercury Editor Tony Phyrillas at Submissions will run on a space-available basis and are subject to editing. The information must be submitted before Noon on Thursday for publication in that Saturday’s edition. Please use the words “Church News” in the subject line of the email.