
Poured pictures reveal a huge spoiler for Dave Thomas Hand and Jamie Marinos

A number of seepers leaked up during the filming of Mafs Last year, a great spoiler over Jamie Marinos and Dave Thomas handed over after their relationship has continuously apart in the past two weeks. The beginning of the breakdown of the fan favorite couple came after Jamie Dave said that she loved him and he admitted that he was not in a place where he could take it back to her because his levels did not match her.

In the leaked pictures that were taken on October 14, a week after the Homestay episodes this week, the two were more than ever loved than ever before. When they arrived to film the second to the last dinner party of the season, they held their hands as they got out of the same car and kissed for the cameras, with Dave even grabbing Jamie's butt to make it clear that they were their best again.

The producers also had the pair of films of several take their beloved arrival, which indicates that it will be part of a bomb bowl storyline.

Poured photos by Mafs Jamie and Dave before the dinner party

Jamie and Dave kissed before the dinner party of the next week and showed that they were one of the stronger couples again. Photo: delivery/matrix

After the couple's relationship was in turmoil, after Dave said Jamie, he didn't feel that his attraction was growing for her. The couple took part in solo of the dinner party last week and Dave faced the group, who were as amazed as the spectators who were after the other after the shift of his personality.


To make things worse, Dave told the boy and producer: “I don't hate the girl” when he was asked about his feelings.

Jamie sobbed after a conversation with Dave and told the cameras: “Who is this person? He just doesn't even care. He is not the person I know.”

Jamie and Dave before Mafs DinnerpartyJamie and Dave before Mafs Dinnerparty

Dave had Jamie's Penner had a supportive hand and showed that they felt comfortable again. Photo: delivery/matrix

“Even if you have no feelings for me, you know how to feel with you, and so you will approach it? What the hell is going on with him? Is that disgusting.”

“I don't want to spend time in this experiment with someone like that,” she continued. “He is worse than anyone else because he lied to me all the time and he pretends to be someone he is not.”

The MAFS viewers went on social media to share their shock about Dave's attitude and shocking remark about how he does not “hate” the girl with a user who wrote. “

“Dave appears as the guy with whom we have all agreed, the guy who leads you, lets you think that it is love.

“He really changed! He doesn't even seem to like her,” added a third party.

Mafs' DaveMafs' Dave

Dave said to the cameras: “I don't hate the girl” when he was asked how he felt about Jamie. Photo: nine

“Dave” I haven't hate the girl “,” said someone else. “Sad to say that he is clearly there for the clout … Jamie 'remained' for him, he remained for the 'followers'.”

“In the truest sense of the word, Dave Jamie has so far calming, confirmed and supported,” added another. “Your reaction to this sudden 180 by Dave is justified.”

Dave spoke about his regret in the experiment until this point in time and admits that he wants to talk more about his feelings for Jamie.


“Obviously I didn't replace the feeling of love, but maybe I should have explained where I was exactly so that I could calm it down. I just really missed the boat,” he thinks.

“I think this is a big lesson that I took out of this experiment. I have to communicate better with Jamie, I definitely learned that about myself. Nobody is perfect. I learned good and bad things in this experiment and you can set up the mirror and be responsible for it.”

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