
Power puff girl leaked live action film material reveal details of the canceled show

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Leaked film material of the live action Powerpuff girls Series that were canceled by Network. The CW after a pilot showed that the characters would have grown up, drunk and disillusioned.

The series, which was ordered in 2021, was to play Chloe Bennet, Dove Cameron, Yana Perrault as bloom, bubbles or butterflowers.

Donald Fase, known for his work PeelingWould have played Professor Drake Utonium, who would have created the unlikely heroes in his laboratory.

diversity Reports that the poured -out film material, which has now been removed by YouTube, may have been a rejected trailer.

The clip showed the recent versions of the PowerPuff Girls and their rise to fame, as is recorded in the popular cartoon series.

It also presented the life of the trio as young adults, whereby Blossom was stressed and burned out, turned blisters into alcohol and handed over into a dash can, and a rebellious butter flower that pushed back against the expectations of the sexes.

PowerPuff Girls: Chloe Bennet, Dove Cameron and Yana Perrault ((Getty)))

“I no longer wear this dress, it is gender -normative and an ass,” says the character in a clip.

An early Logline found that the series that was supervised by Juno The director and screenwriter Diablo Cody would have followed the titular superhero when they “became” disillusioned Twentysomething who annoyed it to have lost their childhood against crime struggles “.

When the series was canceled in 2021, the chairman and CEO of CW, Mark Pedowitz, said: “The reason why they make pilots is that things sometimes fail, and this was just a miss. We fully believe in the line -up. We believe in Diablo [Cody] and Heather [Regnier]The authors. We believe in the patronage of Greg Berlanti and Warner [Bros. TV] Studios.

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“In this case, the pilot didn't work. But because we see that there are enough elements there, we wanted to record it again. So we didn't want to do what we had. Tonal, it might have felt a little too Kampy. In reality, it didn't feel as rooted as it would have felt. But here too you learn things when you test things. And so we felt a step back in this case and go back to the drawing board. “

When photos from which were leaked for the first time at the time, the online reaction was not nice.

In a post that received almost 256,000 likes, Twitter user Deann Wiley wrote: “That's why you have to leave Cartoon as a cartoon because it looks absolutely ridiculous. 3 adult ass women fly around in slip dresses and penny lipers. “

Someone else added: “Is there a way to cancel this in front of the pilot episode”, while another user commented on: “Paint the whole thing”.