
Preparation for the St. Patrick's Day in KC

Kansas City, Mo (KCTV) – St. Patrick's Day is a big day for companies in Westport and in the area.

Brownes Irish Marketplace has observed the parade since it was founded in 1974. Brownes withdraws her descent much further.

“One hundred and thirty years-we are the oldest Irish business outside Ireland,” said Kerry Browne. “My great -grandparents started it in their front house in 1887.”

Brownes is not too far from the parade and similar to Westport, they organize Broadway between 33 and 43.

“Everyone is welcome. You don't have to be Irish. That is the beauty of it. We all greet, ”said Browne about St. Patrick's Day. “It is a way to celebrate our inheritance, but we welcome other people as part of this heritage.”

The sales from the holiday in Westport are similar to what could come during a Superbowl or a World Series game, and what is offset by this holiday, apart from recent years, will be the warm weather.

“We expect a big turnout, it should be beautiful, said Savanna Lee with Char Bar.” The weather was really not good for the past two years. “

Char Bar adds a special Burnn End Pastrami Reuben to pumpernickel bread and offers beverage specialties.

According to Augie Bennington, General Manager of Beer Kitchen Assistant, it can also help a day to bend Westport to perception by a corner.

“It is really important that we really show that Westport is a safe space, and there are a lot of people in this neighborhood who use their heart and souls,” said Bennington. “From business owners, all servers, all bartenders to the chefs.”

As far as sales are concerned, St. Patrick's Day is one of the greatest days for Westport, but contrary to the popular conviction, there is no restaurant listed on its menu.

“We can do it, but Guinness is the preferred tomorrow,” said Shane Snider from Green Room.

He added that the Green Room prepares a special Irish stew for vacation.

St. Patrick's Day is a big day for companies in Westport and the surrounding area.(KCTV5/Ryan Hennessy)