
Private meeting in the run -up to the procedure against PA -MANN at Amish Mording

Shawn C. Cranston is accused of


  • Prosecutor, defense, judge Hold Closed door, in which the residents of Corry, Shawn C. Cranston, was killed in February 2024, the pregnant Amish woman Rebekah A. Byler in the Crawford district.
  • Lawyers, the judge will not comment on why the conference will be kept privately if this has attracted national attention.
  • The court proceedings are scheduled to begin on March 11 with the selection of the jury in front of the Crawford County Common Pleas Court.

Meadville -The criminal proceedings against a Corry man who is accused of having killed a young Amish woman and her unborn child in February 2024 is in March, according to one of two deputy generals who pursue the case under criminal law.

This confirmation was only on Monday afternoon.

Lowry and another deputy general prosecutor who pursues the case would not comment on the hearing that was kept “in the camera” or privately in front of Crawford County Richter Francis Schultz.

The lawyer Louis Emmi, based in Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, also rejected the approximately 40-minute hearing according to his conclusion, and explained that he did not comment on any active cases.

Schultz also refused to comment on a message from a member of his employee.

The Erie Times-News rejected the closed conference and applied for an explanation of the administrative office The Court of Pennsylvania, which had instructed officials from the district of Crawford County, all media inquiries regarding the case. the Pennsylvania office of the Attorney General; and Schultz.

Nobody provided an explanation for why the conference was held behind closed doors, in one of the three court halls of Crawford County, or who applied for or ordered the hearing. Hours later, the AOPC announced that the state regulations for criminal proceedings Schultz could hold the closed session if the accused raised objections. The AOPC said the defense had not raised any problems.

Immediately after the hearing, Lowry, one of the prosecutors, confirmed by questioning that Cranston's negotiation is expected to be held during the court period of March. In an order on October 4, Schultz planned the jury to start on March 11th. The attempt lasted five to seven days.

The killing of the Amish woman draws national attention to himself

The Pennsylvania State Police accuses Cranston of having killed 23-year-old Rebekah A. Byler on February 26, 2024 in the Fish Flats Road in Sparta Township. Byler was pregnant and the baby she was wearing died too, said the authorities.

The murder occurred at some point after Byler's husband left the residence with others this morning to look for roof jobs in the area. He found her dead when he returned home with her 2-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son and in the house after court statements and search commands.

An autopsy determined that byler died of several sharp force injuries on their neck and a gunshot wound on the head.

The authorities have never revealed a possible motive for killing. The State Police identified Cranston as a suspect through testimony, video, physical evidence collected in his apartment and in the Byler apartment, as well as the persecution of cell and GPS data according to the evidence and certificates that are at Cranston in March 2024 Cranston were set out.

Amy Nicols, district judge of Titusville, held Cranston for court after he was about five hours of criminal crimes for criminal murder, the criminal murder of an unborn child, a slump and criminal violation. He has been in prison since his indictment on March 2, 2024.

The district prosecutor's office of the Crawford district initially pursued the case when district prosecutor Paula Digiacomo took over the public prosecutor during the preliminary hearing of Cranston. However, Digiacomo said that she took over the state office of the Attorney General in autumn, and the prosecutors with this office submitted their formal appearances in the case on January 13th in accordance with court files.

Increased security measures and movements by the state

Court officials who are connected to the case have taken some extraordinary steps to do it and the expected attention.

Cranston's preliminary hearing, which pulled a large amount, was moved by the courtroom from Nicols in Titusville to one of the court halls in the Judicial Center of Crawford County.

Before the hearing, the courts of the district of Crawford experienced a “decency command”, which, among other things, defined times when the media and the public were able to enter the courtroom. prohibited the media and the public to be on a street behind the judicial center for a time before, during and after the hearing; prohibited all media interviews in the judicial center; And directed all media inquiries in the AOPC.

In Cranston, search commands and his Corry residence were preserved in Erie County and were sealed up to the Erie Times-News by their parent company Gannett in order not to apply for the court not to be sealed.

The latest court file in the Docked Court regarding the case against Cranston occurred on Friday, when the Attorney General submitted a pre -judicial application in which the intention was determined to use “previous bad acts” as evidence against cranston.

The Commonwealth tries to call witnesses in order to discuss cranston's previous thefts/break -ins and to threaten the use of firearms, “in order to do the motif, the opportunities, the chances, the preparation, the plan, knowledge, identity, the lack of an error or to determine the lack of accident for the present crime, the motif, the opportunities, the opportunities, preparation, preparation, the plan of the plan Define the defendant to determine the defendant.

The court in October had set a deadline for Friday for submitting such applications.

Contact Tim Hahn at Follow him on X @Etnhahn.