
Process against Litchfield lawyer, who was accused in 2021, begins with Monda

It was a sunny afternoon on June 7, 2021, when the local state troops arrived at James Holm at the scene, followed by Greg Kenney, a city police officer, according to the police. Holm's office is located within the levels of the place to which it was called, right in front of Fisher's office, which is also located along the city green in this small, historic city in New England.

The police are a verbal argument that took place and quickly escalated to a physical confrontation. Fisher, now 78, then pulled a pistol out of his pocket, the police said.

Fisher, freely to 50,000 US dollars, claims in an affidavit that was submitted by a police detective that Bromley pulled him out of his car, told him that he had ruined his life and did not withdraw when he swung his pistol. When Bromley did not return from five or six feet, Fisher told the police that he shot a single shot on Bromley's head.

In the arrest warrant for his arrest, Fisher is described as an instructor of the National Rifle Association, which is passionate about weapons.

Fisher was arrested with a firearm a year after the shooting because of the first degree and is now on purpose before the reduced indictment for manslaughter. The difference between the two means that Fisher, if he is convicted, may not be a prison sentence for the lower fee instead of at least five years, which are required by the initial fee. If he is convicted, he is still a maximum of 20 years in prison.

Exactly what has led to confrontation remains speculative. Fisher claimed that Bromley had targeted him, pulled him out of his car. The lawyer claims that he does not know the 39-year-old. However, the state police said they had received information from his law firm about Bromley's attempt to involve Fisher to buy his mother's house, but he declined. Fisher is said to have told the younger man with an increased voice that, according to the police, he had not made any enforcements.

As Vietnam veteran, Fisher advised his lawyers Conti and Robert Salerno last week during the jury's selection. A Vietnamese woman was rejected by the defense, said Conti because of fisher war experiences. He didn't work out.

The process that attracts national attention is expected to take two weeks. Six jurors and three deputies were selected for the jury, while judge Eliot D. Prescott chaired.