
Project Grow Ann Arbor shares garden tips when spring approaches

Spring is approaching in Washtenaw County and, with increasing food prices, is the best time to prepare your food garden.

Since Michigan learns different temperatures, now is an ideal moment to prepare your garden outdoors by starting seeds inside and transforming you into seedlings when the last frost arrives.

Joseph Schutte is President of Project Grow Ann Arbor. He says that emerging gardeners have local options to reduce the financial obstacles associated with gardening.

“The residents of Ann Arbor can get their compost in the Compost center. You are allowed a farm for free, but you have to load it yourself. Leaves are free. Leaves are for mulch. You don't have to buy mulch. “

Schutte says the secret between a decent harvest and a rich, knowing what is in her ground. He says that it is a great way to understand what you have to do to compensate for basic nutrients for larger and healthier harvest to understand what you need to do to test a sample from soil.

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