
Proposed property tax rates published | Daily Gate City – Keokuk, Iowa

The residents have started to receive this year's explanation of the Lee County Auditor on the proposed property tax rates of the various tax units in Keokuk.

Each company will have its own public hearing on the proposed tax rates. In the explanation sent by the auditor, the Keokuk Community School District is the first on the list.

The current tax rate is $ 14.90443 per 1000 dollar evaluation. The district proposes an increase of $ 15,89756. With the letter, it enables every control company to have a reason why there is a proposed increase.

The district says that there is a high special education deficit that reduces the cash credit to a level that enables a cash release to regain these funds. The tax has added a budget guarantee to the declining enrollment in conjunction with a lower SSA set by the state government.

The schools receive a budgetary guarantee from the state to receive 101% of the program costs from the previous year than the funding decreased that less enrolled students exceeded the percentage increase in state additional growth.

The public hearing of the school district is set at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 24, in the district office, 500 N. 20th St. in Keokuk.

For the city of Keokuk, the current tax rate is $ 25,06055 per rating of $ 1,000, with the proposed interest rate of $ 26.92555 per $ 1,000. AG Land has no proposed change and is $ 3.00375.

The justification of the city for the increase placed “the inflation pressure on various aspects of operating costs, in particular liability and ownership insurance, to relieve the burden of the general fund (fire truck, capital purchase, street repair).”

The city's public hearing will take place on Thursday, April 3, at 5 p.m. in the town hall of Keokuk, 501 Main St. instead of the state law states that the meetings must be separated. This will take place, the Council will postpone this session and start the regular session at 5:30 p.m.

For the district's taxes, the supervisory authority of Lee County are in a program to reduce property taxes in order to align themselves with a mandate of the state.

The proposed urban interest rate would increase from $ 10,68189 per rating from USD $ 10,12437. The resident of rural areas would have a reduction of $ 12,95265 to USD $ 12,37265.

The district's public hearing is on Monday, March 24, in the office building of North Lee County, 933 Ave. H in Fort Madison, set at 2 p.m.

The statement by the auditor indicates two hypothetical costs of taxes and estimates an increase in value of the property.

Today a house of $ 100,000 is shown and has a value of 110,000 US dollars for this proposed interest rates in the tax year.

In this scenario, an increase of 20% for the school district of $ 691 per year would record $ 829.

With the increased assessment, the district tax rates, even if the district tax rates decrease, would increase by almost 7% in the district from 495 to 528 US dollars.

For the city there would be an increase in actual dollars by $ 1,161 to $ 1,405 per year.

However, the average real estate assessment is currently less than $ 100,000 in Keokuk. While the assessment of $ 100,000 in these scenarios has always been a simple, round number, many residents would not see this amount of an increase in property tax account.

The auditor's office also notes that the tariffs will probably change before the final budget is adopted for the three companies.

For more information in basic taxes, see