
Prosecutors accuse suspects in Walmart Parking Lot shooting

The Springfield man, who was suspected of shooting someone in the Walmart parking lot on Kansas Expressway near Interstate 44, was officially charged.

The 18-year-old Rominn Wagoner is charged with the B-Crimes in class B of the attack and illegal use of a weapon as well as two charges for armed criminal measures.

According to an arrest warrant from the Greene County public prosecutor, Wagoner shot seven to ten shots in the general direction of another vehicle in front of the Walmart.

Rominn Wagoner (booking photo of the sheriff office of the Greene County)

“He did this when this vehicle drove away with his driver based on a small dispute. The vehicle was hit several times, ”the prosecutor partially wrote. “One of the shots hit the driver, who suffered a gunshot wound on the upper body. Several other shots flew past the car and met a Starbucks in which families dine. It is a miracle that nobody was killed in this incident. “

Wagoner is captured in prison by Greene County without binding and has no lawyer yet.

In this case, the police say that a teenager was arrested.

The spokesman for the Springfield police, Cris swearers, said the victim was treated in the hospital and released later.

Jackie Rehwald

Jackie Rehwald is a reporter at The Springfield Daily Citizen. It covers public security, courts, homelessness, domestic violence and other social questions. Your office is 417-837-3659. More from Jackie Rehwald