
Prosecutor's office admits murder plants

The Barton County public prosecutor has admitted that the current law of Kansas does not support the first degree against Adam Suppes, Alejo Villegas and Juventino Villegas.
Preliminary hearings for the three men who were charged with the District Court of Barton when Aron Villegas died on March 31. The judge Don Alvord has not yet decided on the result of the preliminary exams.
The defendants were charged with murder on their friend and relatives Aron Villeas, who was broken into a large house in Bend in Bend on November 15, 2015.
Aron Villegas was shot by Sterling Mills, the resident of the house in the eighth St. 1801, the state showed that this was done after all or some suspects, and the deceased broke into the house and drove to Dough Mills.
Using the definition that the first degree murder “the murder of a person in the inspection, the attempt to commit or to commit to commit a dangerous crime by nature, they were charged with this crime.
At the preliminary hearing, defenders cited the decisions of the Supreme Court of Kansas in State against Murphy and State against Sophophone. Since Aron Villegas was killed by the victim for self-defense and not of a suspected co-felon, the defense argued that the first degree murder was not a valid charges.
The Barton County public prosecutor received 10 days to submit an answer. Amy Mellor Amy Mellor submitted the answer on Thursday, April 14th.
“The state admits that the current case law does not support that to combine the accused in court 1”, the indictment for the first degree.

Original fees
Alejo Villegas was charged with the first degree murder, a difficult break -in, severe robbery, the support and employment of the tightened battery of mills, criminal property damage as well as support and support in criminal damage to property.
Juventino Villegas was charged with the first degree murder, a difficult break -in, severe robbery, support and employment of serious battery, criminal employment and support and support in criminal property damage.
Adam Suples was charged with the first degree, two cases of severe burglary, severe battery, illegal possession of cocaine, criminal property, help, auxiliary and employment damage to property.