
PSA: Amazon kills “Download & Transfer via USB” option for Kindles this week

Later this week, Amazon concludes a small gap with which Kindle Books buyers were able to download these files to a computer and transmit via USB. Originally intended to expand e-book access to owners of very old Kindles without a Wi-Fi connectivity. The function has also made it easier for people to download and store copies of the e-books they bought, which reduces the risk that Amazon could make changes to your text or remove them completely from the Kindle Store.

The “Download & Transfer via USB” option on the Amazon website will disappear on Wednesday, February 26th. People who want to download their libraries to their PC should simply do this in the next two days. This change only affects the possibility of downloading these files directly to a computer from the Amazon website. If you have downloaded the books in advance, you can continue to load them on your Kindles via USB and you can continue to use third place. Party software and the send to the Kindle Service to leave EPUB files and other books on a Kindle.

Downloading files on your PC via the Amazon website is still possible, but it will be disappeared later this week.

Credit: Andrew Cunningham

For typical Kindle owners who buy their books about Amazon's shop and seamlessly download them to modern or modern Kindle devices via Wi-Fi, you will probably not notice any change. The effects are used by those who use software such as caliber to manage a local e-book library, and people who have risen to other e-reader platforms who want to download their Kindle purchases most are determined DRM so that they can be read elsewhere.

The Download and Transfer option option was partially useful for DRM haters because the files are delivered in the older AZW3 file format instead of the newer KFX format. AZW3 is the file format used by the older, Vor Wi-Fi-Kindles, and its DRM is generally easier to remove.

Get your files

If you try to download your Kindle purchases to your PC and Mac before the deadline has expired, you must have connected a somewhat older Kindle or fireplace to your account. If you are only assigned one of the 2024 child with your Amazon account (the latest paper well, the second generation or color soft), the download option will not be offered. With the Amazon website you can only download a single book that can take a while depending on your library.