
Pulled PowerPuff Girls live action trailer from CW Angers fans: “What did you think?!”

A poured-out trailer from the live action series from CWS scrapped PowerPuff Girls has once again sparked the outrage over the fan and offers an insight into what many call catastrophic reinterpretation of the beloved cartoon. (Photo credits: Twitter)

The long-forgotten PowerPuff Girls Live Action series made waves online again after a leaked teaser had appeared from her failed pilot. The show was initially developed by the CW in 2020 and was completed in 2023 after a series of creative setbacks. With a look at what could have been, social media broke out with reactions, most of them are anything but positive.

The poured -out footage, which was briefly uploaded to the YouTube channel Lost Media Busters before it was run down by Warner Bros., showed a drastically different view of the loved one. The pilot showed flower, blisters and butterflower as a disillusioned young adults with stress, substance consumption and rebellion. The trio accidentally kills a person named Mojo, flees Townsville and returns years later to find Mojo's son Jojo, has become mayor, has subjected the citizens to brainwashing and is looking for revenge. The sound was particularly darker and showed an angular humor, including blowing that made a joke about Jugalos and butterflowers, in which Jojo was accused of having a “hate boner” for bloom.

It is not surprising that the reactions were quick and brutal. A user described it sarcastically as “Woke Live Action PowerPuff Girls” and called for those who are responsible for being “packed out of existence”.

Others compared it with riverdale, a once beloved property that was subjected to an unexpected dark-cast transformation. “What did you think?!” Detached another viewer and called it worse than the controversial PowerPuff Girls restart from 2016.

Although the chairman of CW, Mark Pedowitz, defended the project beforehand and recognized that “sometimes lack of things” and that the pilot “did not feel as grounded as intended”, it is clear that fans are relieved that it was never made up. One thing is certain that this live action experiment only consolidated the legacy of the original cartoon and the fans remind you of why some things are best untouched.

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