
Puna murder-suspect dies after the officer that officer has affected: Big Island now

A 28-year-old Mountain View man, who was suspected of shooting and killing his ex-girlfriend's 25-year-old sister in her residence in her residence in her residence in her residence, is dead after he was later involved in a shootout in Vulkan on this day.

Isaiah Kaleo Jiaan Fourshey

Isaiah Kaleo Jiaan Fourshey was shot near the Nāmakanipaio campsite on Highway 11 in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on Tuesday at 6 p.m. He was then taken to Hilo Benioff Medical Center, where he died around 8 p.m.

No spectators or a staff of the Hawaii police authority or a National Park Service Ranger were injured.

Part of the Highway 11 was closed several hours at the intersection with the entrance to the campsite during the incident and has been reopened since then. Nāmakanipaio campground is also open.

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The Hawai'i police's professional standards initiated a critical review of the incidents in the shootings affected by civil servants, as well as the standard practice.

A 15-year-old experienced detective with the department and a second detective at the age of 7 in the service of the department were both put on administrative leave to ensure that they return to work mentally, emotionally and physically.

Since the officer of the officer took place in Hawaii Vulcanoes National Park, the Federal Bureau of Investigations is in the main understanding and takes over the main inspection.

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Questions should be addressed to

A murder examination was initiated and dozens of investigators spent the search for Fourshey on Tuesday, which was assumed that after two shootings in Puna in Puna in the early morning, he was armed with a pistol, including the incident that led to the death of 25-year-old Latisha Soares.

Fourshey allegedly went to the parents of his ex-girlfriend in the Hibiscus Street in Mountain View for the first time and looked for her.

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According to reports, he pulled out a pistol while he was there and shot her on her before he was told that she was not there. Nobody was shot.

Then he went to the residence of her sister Soares in the Plumeria Street in Mountain View in the front door and shot at her several times, shot and killed.

The investigation remains.