
RCSO publishes a video of filming: “I wanted to die.

The Sheriff's office in Richmond County published a dramatic video material on Tuesday of the deputy shooting of the deputy shooting on Tuesday of the deputy shooting on Tuesday of the deputy shooting.

The publication takes place after a meeting between Sheriff Eugene Brantley, the deputy chief Sams, the head of the staff Sams and the family member of the suspect, Brandon Hill, who was given the opportunity to see the film material before it was made available to the public.

See it here:

“In this case, we understand the interest of the municipality and undertake for transparency and accountability in our law enforcement measures,” said Sheriff Brantley. “We also wanted to make sure the family had the opportunity to see the video before it was released.”

Background for the incident: Last Thursday, the MPs from Richmond County were sent to 3500 Primrose Drive at 1:08 p.m. after a call via a domestic dispute. The female complainant reported that Hill had broken windows at her home and stole her firearm before she had fled the scene. The deputies searched for Hill, and at 1:29 p.m. the deputy David Hopkins found him on the Glenn Hills Drive.

Suspicious Brandon Hill, left and deputy David Hopkins

After confirming Hill's description, Deputy Hopkins used the PA system of his vehicle to output commands, and asked Hill to raise his hands. When Hopkins left his vehicle, he ordered Hill several times to drop the gun. Instead, Hill increased the firearm and directed it twice on deputy hopkins, as shown in the video film material in the car. In response to this immediate threat, the deputy Hopkins fired his weapon with strike hills.

Hill was secured immediately and the deputy Hopkins began to help help with the simultaneous medical emergency services. During the encounter, Hill made an explanation that indicated that the situation escalated, which indicates the seriousness of the threat he has.

Investigations and results: The Regional Force Investigation Team of the Sheriff of the Sheriff in Columbia carried out a thorough review of the incident, and the results were also examined by the public prosecutor's office. Both agencies came to the conclusion that Deputy Hopkins' actions were justified in response to the credible and immediate threat to the security of public security and the security of the civil servant.

As part of its commitment to transparency, the Sheriff office in Richmond County made the cameras worn by the body available to the public. The film material clearly determines the sequence of events and further supports the conclusion that the actions of the deputy agreed to the policy of the department and the law enforcement authorities.

Commitment to transparency and accountability: Sheriff Brantley emphasized that his agency recognized that every application of violence is a serious matter, and you are still obliged to ensure the law on the law of the department, the department directive and its obligation to protect and serve the community.

The complete video material can be displayed [here].