
Read the search command of the Area Flores published by Superior Court

A search order in the center of the criminal proceedings against the board member of the Stockton School, Amann Flores, was published on Friday, three days after a judge had not sealed him.

The document in which the Sheriff's office was approved by San Joaquin County to search Flores' house, electronic equipment and online accounts and Stockton Unified School District Office was at the center of more than one year of dispute, which led to the arrest of a court employee and greater questions about press freedom.

Flores is currently available for embezzlement and an incorrect insurance claim.

Up to this week, most of the affidavits set in the search command were published in which detectives were present to a judge for the search for a specific person or a specific place.

The lawyer Tori Verber Salazar and her customer of a former trustee from Stockton Unified School District (Susd) Aunt Flores after Flores was charged in Stockton, California on May 6, 2024. Flores is suspected of having misused a SUSD credit card. Salazar is the former public prosecutor of San Joaquin County. (Victoria Franco/Bay City News)

On Monday, Stocktonia published an examination of the comprehensive stories of the affidavit about possible misconduct and financial crimes and obtained significant questions to support the support. The criminal proceedings submitted against Flores showed almost no signs that the investigators had described corruption in the affidavit.

In this case, a judge ordered the search order on Tuesday, which, according to inquiries from Flores' lawyer and the public prosecutor's office of San Joaquin County, was not sealed.

The non -sealed employee of the document court intended on Friday is almost identical shortly after searching in November 2023 for a copy published by reporters. However, there was a central difference: the names of the witnesses, which the investigators cited in the affidavit, were edited from the copy published on Friday. Witness names were recorded in the November 2023 copy.

The judge did not apply for an editorial office in his free order. A court spokesman did not immediately answer an investigation into why the names were hidden.

The non -supported affidavit identifies the former preliminary superintendent of Stockton Unified Traci Miller as the main witness, which cited the affidavit to support misconduct claims in the school authority.

Despite the editorial offices of witness names, the newly published copy of the arrest warrant get titles and anecdotes that are included in the affidavit that still clearly indicate their identity.

Stocktonia examination: Search command Idfidy explanation for Orea Flores speculated about far -reaching misconduct. Her charges turned out to be much narrower.

In general, documents that the judges have not sealed are only reduced, unless the judge expressly orders this, according to David Loy, a first amendment coalition. Even if the court took three days to publish the search order, there is no law that provides for a delay in the publication of court documents after expropriating, Loy said.

“As soon as the judge says that he is not sealed, it is not sealed,” he said.

A court spokesman did not immediately answer a question about the reason for the delay.

So Stocktonia is covered The arrest of the school board, search command of the school board, the arrest warrant.

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