
Record drive in Republican satisfaction with the state of the nation

Story highlights

  • 58-point republicans increase is the largest point for a party sub-group
  • 34% of all User -growing are satisfied, compared to 20% in January
  • The Americans call the government the most important problem

Washington, DC four-and-thirty percent of the US-growing people, are satisfied with the way things run in the United States, compared to 20% in January. The increase in satisfaction is promoted from an increase in Republicans, whose satisfaction rose from 10% this month to 68% in January. In contrast, democratic satisfaction fell from 32% to 5%. More independent are now satisfied than a month ago, 30% compared to 18%.

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The latest results are based on a survey from 3 to 16 to 16 February, the first reading of this measure since President Donald Trump was inaugurated. The major satisfaction shifts reflect the reactions of the partisans to change from a democratic to a Republican government. Gallup has observed similar party changes in relation to satisfaction in previous presidential transitions.

What distinguishes the current shift is the size of the Republican increase. The 58-point increase is the largest with a significant lead that Gallup measured between the surveys from 1991 when the results were first put together by the political party. The two previous increases in the last two presidential transitions came for the Democrats in 2021 and 33 points for Republicans in 2017.

For the independent and Republicans at the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003, further major satisfaction increases among the party groups, for all party groups during the Gulf War in 1991, for Democrats immediately after September 11th, as well as for Republicans and Democrats in 1998 and 1999 during the examination, the official share and the ultimate acquittal by President Bill Clinton.

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Based on a major delay between the surveys, Republicans' satisfaction improved by 29 points compared to January 1981 (18%) and June 1981 (47%) after Ronald Reagan became president.

Democratic drop in satisfaction one of the greatest

The 27-point decline in democratic satisfaction this month is also one of the largest survey-to-poll declines of the Gallup party trend as well as a 28-point decline in Democrats in the days after Trump's victory in the 2016 elections and a decrease of 25 points of 25 points after Joe Biden Trump defeated in the 2020 elections.

According to important news events that presented the incumbent party for challenges, further major satisfaction declines occurred. This includes the 2008 financial crisis, the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic and the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent protests of racial justice, on which the Republican presidents were in office.

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The overall drive of satisfaction is 11TH Greatest

The 14-point increase in satisfaction among all Americans is one of the largest Gallup, which has been measured since the first appearance of the question in 1979. However, it is less than half as large as the increase of 30 points, which appeared in 1991 after the United States entered into the Gulf War with Iraq in 1991. 62% IG. The Americans were the month in which things were in the United States.

At the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003 and after September 11th there was also a 24-point increase in satisfaction at the beginning of the Iraq war. In addition to these international events, Gallup, at the beginning of the Reagan and Biden Presidentials, measured a significant increase in satisfaction in 1981 and 2021. The Americans also became much more satisfied in several presidential elections in which the US economy was healthy, including 1984, 1996 and 2000, which reflected the broader improvement between the parties.

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The government is still the most important problem

Every month, Gallup calls for the Americans without calling the most important problem for the fourth month in a row, the government is cited more often than any other problem. Currently, 27%calls the government, followed by immigration (18%) and the economy in general (16%).

These three problems together with inflation have had the four best issues every month since August 2022.

The government's mentions have increased by seven points since October and 10 points since October. Since the pre -selection, the mentions of the economy have dropped by five points and immigration migration by three.

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Inflation has for the first time since September 2023 for single -digit mentions (8%). The last mentions of inflation were lower than today in December 2021.

Other problems mentioned this month are the federal budget deficit (6%), racial relationships (5%), the association of the country (4%), democracy and elections (4%) as well as moral and ethical decline (4%).

The government identifies almost half of the Democrats as the top problem

An increased concern of the government can primarily be seen under Democrats – with the mentions of 22% being doubled in October when bidges were still in office today. Independent now also calls the government more of the government than in October (26% compared to 17%), while the 12% of Republicans who now mention the problem are essentially unchanged.

Immigration is still the top concern of Republicans, 30% quote it. However, these are 10 points from October. Seventeen percent of the independent and 6% of the Democrats mention immigration, generally similar to the October numbers.

The mentions of the economy have declined at least slightly among all party groups since October, with the Republicans (from 28% to 19%) larger than independent (from 20% to 16%) and Democrats (from 16% to 11%).

The federal budget or the budget deficit are now related to inflation and the government as a third -party topic among Republicans.

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The inauguration of Donald Trump has changed the satisfaction of the Republicans and the satisfaction of the Democrats with the way things go in the United States. The Republicans now show the greatest increase in satisfaction in successive surveys in the past 34 years, while the Democrats essentially combine the largest with the largest. Openings of the president have become big turning points on how partisans evaluate the state of the nation. In the past, “assembly of events” that have included US military campaigns and other international incidents had similar effects, but not to the same extent as a change in the President's party in the current environment.

The increased connection between the party of the President and the satisfaction of the Americans with the state of the nation further underlined by the extent, to which aspects associated with the government are described as the most important problem of the nation. Mounting of the government as the most important problem with which the country often focuses on the accident with the incumbent president – but they also emphasize frustrations with partisan arrival and attempts from the opposing party to thwart the political agenda of the present administration.

In Trump's first term in office, the government took 38 times the most important problem with 48 measurements. And in Bidens recently completed term, the government was the best mentioned problem with 47 measurements.

In contrast, the government in Barack Obama's eight years as President (in his second term) was the top problem, not only during the presidency of George W. Bush and only once in Clinton's presidency (in September 1998 after the rigid report was published, which examined the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.

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