
Record -really February in 1936

Bismarck, ND (Kfyr) – Most of the most recorded temperatures of North Dakota in February dated the middle of the Dust Bowl in 1936.

In 1936, Bismarck had a distance of 4 days between the 13th and the 16th, which set records and cold highs.

Minot also broke some records in 1936. There was 6 days in a row between the 12th and 17th place. These are the air temperatures, not even the wind cold.

Dickinson was also in the cold campaign from 1936, where there was a route from 11th to 17th, with three days of cold high and lows.

Williston broke records in 1936 in 1936. The 13th was the only day when a record was broken instead of the high and low records.

The coldest temperature that was ever recorded in North Dakota also occurred in February 1936 when Parshall reached below zero on the 15th 60 degrees.

Extremely cold winter a long time ago, such as 1936, new record lows make it challenging, but with our Arctic explosion in February, Bismarck succeeded in two days in a row.

Bismarck's record of 39 degrees below zero on the 18th was the coldest February temperature for more than 31 years. It was almost the latest temperature that these cold was just one day in a winter season. And it was 6 ° shy compared to a cold record for Bismarck.

Such temperatures will probably not return this winter, but it is a memory that we can still set new record lows occasionally, even if these benchmarks come from many decades ago. Present