
Red light therapy, skin care -trendy promising youthful, radiant skin

Red light therapy hits waves in the skin care industry, whereby it is claimed that they reduce folds, redness and scars and at the same time promote general health.

How it works

The Sana Skin Studio offers its location of red light therapy at its location in Wynwood, where the head healer Julia Sacani explains its advantages.

“Red light penetrates more deeply into the skin layer of the skin,” said Sacani. “It signals your tissue to repair yourself and effectively makes it effectively for inflammation, wound healing and anti-aging.”

The treatment begins with skin cleaning, followed by exposure to a red light mask or a panel. Sacani compares the experience with sitting under the sun on the beach. For optimal results, the light should be positioned near the face to protect your eyes.

Is it safe?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, red light therapy is generally safe, but incorrect use can cause skin or eye damage. Sacani advises caution of medication that increases sensitivity to light.

Enthusiasts like Elise Benson swear during treatment.

“I saw absolutely amazing results,” said Benson. “My skin is flawless, it has my collagen, reduced fine lines, improves healing of scars and my skin structure.”

The science behind the glow

Studies confirm that red light therapy can be effective, but the results depend on the wavelengths of the LED lights used.

“Not all devices are created the same,” warned Sacani. “If you don't get the right wavelength, you won't see the advantages.”

It recommends buying reputable brands with FDA approval or clinical studies to ensure effectiveness.

Sacani emphasizes that red light therapy works consistently and with the right tools.