
Reet Answer Tey 2025 To be published soon, check the details for download

The Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (RBSE) will shortly publish the Rajasthan Teacher Appariot in AREATION (REET) 2025 Replicas for the teacher examination of the level 1 and 2. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can download the response key by visiting the official website.

The examination of Reet 2025 took place on February 27th and 28th in several test centers of the state. With the official response key, candidates can compare their answers with the correct answers from the exam.

In addition to the response key, the authorities outline the process for candidates to raise objections. After checking all objections, the final response key will be published.

Reet is a authorization test for various apprenticeships in Rajasthan for level 1 and level 2. In order to qualify for the exam, the candidates must at least evaluate the minimum percentage.

For candidates that belong to the general category, they have to achieve at least 60%, while those who belong to the SC/ST category have to achieve at least 36%.

How to download the reply key

Candidates can download the Hall ticket after they have followed the following steps:

2. On the homepage, click on the “Download answer key” field

3. In the open page you can register with the login information

4. The reaction button of the repetition is displayed in a new window on the screen

5. Download and take the expression of the registration card down as a future reference and take the expression