
Remember a first love – the written word

I will never forget my first series of books.

It wasn't the hardy boys; These were given to me as gifts, but I couldn't really refer to Frank and Joe Hardy and their gimmicks in Bayport.

I assume the version of me in 1983 needed some edgiers.

The first series that hooked me William Johnstone. I was at Atlanta Airport when I saw book 1, “out of the ash”. It was a post -apocalyptic series long before they became popular.

While Joe and Frank solve the fall of the missing trumpet from Old Lady Simms Haus in the Hardy Books, Ben Raines And after a nuclear war, the series “Rebels in the Ashes” formed the tri-states and fought gangs, zombies, mercenaries and even the federal government.

Out of the ash Earns the children's book price from my 9-year-old himself.

Over the years and the journey of life opened its doors, I often thought I could write a book. Why not? If Franklin Dixon Could I create these robust characters, I could do that, right? Easier said than done. As soon as the actual writing challenge appeared, I received a new respect for craft and dixon.

My first writing came after an event in Tallahassee, in which the local newspaper presented me on the front page in 2008. Our company had won an award and the publisher of the Tallahassee Democrat at that time. Dave Hodgestook a photo of us at the award ceremony.

After it was published, he called me and asked if I would write a column for the newspaper. I said yes – I might even have said “hell” – and I've written for her ever since.

When the pandemic met, I had an interesting conversation with a friend called named Jay Revell.

One morning at the end of 2020, he suggested that he put together a book. The proposal triggered a wave of inspiration in me, while the other thought there was no time for it.

Although there was no time to write the great American novel, I was able to put together my 20 top columns from 2020 in a Pandemic Business diary. We added a biting intro from America's favorite band. Sister HazelTogether with some great photos, a list of honor and other literary nuggets and my book, was born: “professionally distant”.

Since this first request to write, my motivation has felt that I have to – or at least I should.

Stories have to be told, cyber security problems have to be shared, new technologies have to be celebrated, great people have to be introduced and the hardy boys have to be mocked. I asked a legendary author why he wrote, hoping to get an insight beyond my perspective. No joke, this author is a legend. He was appointed Florida Literary Legend by the Florida Heritage Book Festival in 2020 and is a bestselling author of “Welcome to Florida” and many other titles.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Craig Pittman, WHO says: “I write because otherwise I would explode. It is a way to alleviate the enormous pressure in me when I take a break from writing. If I didn't have this outlet, Kapow! It would also be pretty chaotic. Serious clean -up problem. “

Be on the same side as George Clinton for the festival? Hell yes!

If you switch from an occasional reader to get started reading, at some point you have to make the leap into participation in book directories that the authors hear how to read your work or even go to a literary festival. Florida offers one of the coolest literary festivals: Word of the South.

I visited several times, and when they asked me to be one of the opened local authors this year, I said yes; I might even say: “Hell, yes.”

I will discuss “professionally distanced” and introduce Singer/Songwriter Charlie Mars (We will close this column with one of its tracks) and check all other bands, singers and authors during this three -day festival, which was founded by the award -winning author Mark Mustain (Take a look at his new book “Boy with Wings”).

The festival will show a big show with the Violent femmes and the Tallahassee Symphony OrchestraFollowed by more intimate concerts and readings. There can even be collaborations between authors and musicians. Literary superstars will participate in the festival, including science fiction author Jeff Vandermeer. (You can read about mine Pandemic cooperation with Jeff here.) Many others, including the legendary Craig Pittmanwill be there too.

I love to read; It is my favorite hobby. I still enjoy a good book series. Last year I read the 18 books in the “Dresden files” and this year I started the “Expeditionary Force” series from Craig Alanson. For me, the thrill of a series of peak writing is. It is inspiring that everything is mapped in your head in advance. How do you do that? Thanks, William Johnstoneto start it in 1983.

The literary artists of our time are fantastic and reading is a constant awakening and discovery. Last night I read something from the author Drew Williams When he ended his recognition in “The Stars not claimed now”.

He writes: “Because that's for books, isn't it? You are not just books; They are doors – doors and mirrors at the same time. They open up to new worlds and reflect who we are in a way that we would never have imagined. So, a last thank you to all artists and writers who have ever opened a door for me. Thank you very much.”

Also draw, correctly – or should I say, write? Hell Yes.

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