
Restaurants express optimism for the Evers' no constrip on tips

Green Bay (WLUK) – Governor Tony Evers would like to remove the income tax on cash tips to help those in the service industry. He made the announcement during his state budget address last week.

It is part of his plan to try to reduce the costs for working families.

“I want us to work together to say goodbye to my proposal to support students and employees and our service industry by keeping the tips that you can earn tax -free,” said Evers. “Let us remove tax on cash tips.”

Eliminating taxes on tips is not an idea, only the governor is entertaining. President Donald Trump advertised it during his campaign.

“We will reduce taxes for families and employees and companies, including no tax on tips,”, said Trump.

No tax on cash tips would mean more money in the pockets of the servers. Restaurants in the northeast of Wisconsin like Krolls West say, it is time.

“I think it should have happened years and years ago.

Wier said the restaurant industry was the only one who claims tips, which is not fair, especially since the federal minimum wage for servers is around 5 US dollars per hour. Wier believes that the non -taxed tips will help his workers to make ends meet.

“Every time someone hears that they don't have to pay a tax on something, they see a smile. Then they can be added to this smile so that they may be able to pick up the additional article they need or need their child”, said Wier.

If Evers' proposal goes through, the hourly salary is not affected on Kroll's west. However, Wier said that the running of a company would simplify, keep with fewer records and report less.

While Krolls West is enthusiastic about the proposal, Copper State Brewing remains carefully optimistic, but they hope that the servers will benefit the servers in the long run.

“I think if you work in this business, I don't have the feeling that someone would be against it,” said Bar Manager Michael Callsen. “I also wonder how all this would be structured, I would have to see how the invoice is structured.”

Callsen wonders whether the proposal on wages or even the tilt habits of customers would have an impact. He said that if tips are no longer taxed, there would be additional boost for those who fight and would like to see that it died sooner than later.

“I hope it happens before I retire, that's all,” he said.