
Review journal Prevulic in the Nevada Obersten Court Prison Video Decision | Local Nevada

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of Nevada decided that a district court judge incorrectly refused an application for dismissal submitted by the Las Vegas Review journal after the news organization was sued for the publication of images of civil servants from Henderson Corrections.

The legal dispute results from an investigative history of 2023, in which the review journal reported that Henderson's officials received $ 5 million over a period of three years, but errors such as the deterioration in use and the non-proper search from occupants to drugs.

In its newspaper and on its website, the review journal published exclusive still images and video of correction officials in prison surveillance material, which were provided by a source and not the Henderson Police Department. The Union of the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers' reacted with a lawsuit in which the review of the review violates a law that says that images of civil servants who are obsessed by a law enforcement agency are confidential.

The Review journal argued that the statute of law enforcement authorities in the publication of pictures of civil servants prohibits media. A judge decided that the review journal did not have to unpublished or change the film material in order to hide the faces of the officers.

The newspaper then submitted an anti-slapp application to discharge, which district judge Mark Denton contained. The review journal appealed.

“Errors in the analysis of the district court justify the reversal,” decided a three-justice committee of the Supreme Court.

Slapp stands for strategic complaints against the participation of the public. In an earlier case with Steve Wynn, the Supreme Court decided that the anti-slapping laws in Nevada should publish the claims against “a news organization that publish an article in good faith to inform their readers about a problem with a clear public interest”.

Denton made a mistake by finding that the complaint in the lawsuit “did not claim any claim with the intention of Nevada's anti-slapping statutes,” said the court in the order on Wednesday.

Glenn Cook, Executive Editor of Review Journal, welcomed the Supreme Court's decision.

“This lawsuit is an attack on the rights of the first change in a free press,” said Cook on Wednesday. “The union has submitted a textbook slapping claim and the application of the review journal for the dismissal guaranteed thoughtful considerations. Public employees cannot tell us what we can publish and what is not. “

William Schuller, a lawyer who represents the union, said he sees the order when the Court said Denton did not go far enough in his analysis.

This only means that Denton has to repeat the movement and carry out a more comprehensive assessment, he said. He does not expect the judge to reject the case.

“It does not mean that they win because of this order,” he said, referring to the evaluation journal.

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