
Rinder -Futures higher to start the week

Market news

Rinder -Futures higher to start the week

At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, live and feeder cattle were higher after the USDA's feed report in the past week. Feeder had additional support from the lower corn. April Live cattle closed $ 195.10 and June Lives Lives Castle by USD $ 1.07 at $ 191.40. March -Feeder -Rinder closed $ 4.35 at $ 272.30 and April Feeder cattle closed $ 4.47 with USD $ 272.02.

Direct cash cattle trade activities had a typical calm Monday. Showlists this week are lower in all important feeding areas. Commandments and survey prices did not appear. The considerable trading volume is probably delayed up to the second half of the week.

In the middle of the session, the feeder controls on the Oklahoma National Stockyards were constant with $ 3 compared to two weeks ago. Feeder intake was mostly constant up to 2 US dollars higher. The handlebars were 3 to 8 US dollars higher. Stocker Steers were 10 to 15 US dollars higher, and Stocker -Verläsen and Verigsenskälber were 10 to 20 US dollars higher. The USDA says that a higher undertone was found for cattle that is suitable for grass. The demand was very good and the quality ranged from average to attractive. The receipts were two weeks ago, but in the year. The support supply included 52% ox and 54% of the offer was over 600 pounds. Medium and Large 1 Feeder controls £ 600 to 649, brought $ 309 to 332 and the feeder controls £ 704 to £ 798, $ 295.50. Medium and large 1 feeder olars 508 to 546 pounds brought $ 311 to 326 US dollars and feeder olars from £ 256 to 283.

Boxed beef closed with a firm demand for slight offerings. The selection was $ 3,96 $ 3,96 and selected closed USD $ 1.41 at $ 303.97. The selection/selection spread is $ 9.76. The estimated cattle slaughter was 95,000 heads – even a week and more than 26,000 a year.

Lean Hog-Futures ended the day that was lower under long-term demand problems. April Lean Hogs closed $ 87.40.

Cash pigs closed with a very lightest off. Packers started less aggressively in her procurement efforts the week and did not offer itself to postpone the numbers. The demand for US pork worldwide was quite strong, and that helps to support the market. However, due to tariffs, there are concerns about trade disorders. The industry continues to monitor trends in domestic demand. Barrows and Gilts at National Daily Direct was with a base area of ​​85 to 90 US dollars and a weighted average of $ 88.60 $ 1.48. The iowa/Minnesota closed with a weighted average of $ 8,7.66 $ 2.74. The western corn belt closed $ 2.71 with a weighted average of $ 87.66. The prices on the eastern corn belt were not reported due to confidentiality.

The prices for butchers on the Midwest Cash Markets are 2 US dollars with $ 66. In Illinois, the prices for the slaughter halls of 3 US dollars were higher and with moderate demand for moderate offers of 63 to 75 US dollars. Barrows and Gilts were constantly with a moderate demand for moderate offers from 51 to 61 US dollars. The boar were between 20 and 30 US dollars and 15 to 25 US dollars.

Pork values ​​were closed higher – $ 1.36 at $ 98.43. For most Primals there was strength across the board. Ribs and ham were lower. The estimated pork slaughter was 490,000 heads – even a week and around 2,000 a year.