
Road safety during the spring holiday trip in Florida

Soldiers examine several accidents in our region, some fatal. State officials accused the drivers to use extremely caution on the streets, especially now during the spring holidays. David Jones von Wesh 2 reports that one of these accidents has taken a life of an Orlando man today. I think we'll probably see a lot of record levels. The crews closed every hour after the fatal crash for a few hours in the west of I-4, but it was not the only streets in central florida. Last day. Another one on 429 in Orange County sent four people to the hospital after a driver shot out of his lane and hit a van who was then hit by a tractor trailer who hit another tractor trailer. If you have a crash at higher speed, you have a serious injury and it will be worse. Cindy Lane is at the Florida Department of Transportation. Remember that many people who are in central florida this week are visitors here. You don't know our streets as well as we do. Lane warns the drivers to keep an eye on these tips. No distracted driving like an SMS or a mess with your radio. The same applies to impaired driving. Disposed to sleepy driving. Pay attention to pedestrians, especially on beaches. Stop these seat belts and keep your eye in the eye. Just because other drivers are getting faster does not mean that they should. She says, while you are a good driver, you really have to consider the other drivers in your area when traveling, especially at high speeds like on the highway. You know it is really important to keep the speed limit or below it, as a crash can be much more dangerous at high speed. And to remember, Triple A activates his toes to go to the Saint Patrick's Day Weekend. The program offers a free towing into impaired drivers within ten miles. It should only be used as the last remedy, i.e. t

Accidents increase urgent calls for improved traffic safety during the spring holiday trip in Florida

The Florida officials ask the drivers to use extremely caution after several accidents on the streets, including a fatal travel area, with increasing series of travel. Crash, but it was not the only incident along the streets of Central Florida last day. Another crash to 429 in Orange County sent four people to the hospital after a driver was knocked out of their lane and hit a van, which was then hit by a tractor delay. “Many people in central florida this week are visitors, they don't know our streets as well as we do.” Lane warns the drivers to take these tips into account: no distracted driving, like an SMS or mixture with your radio. Same applies to impaired driving, including the journey. Other drivers in their area when they are on the go, especially at high speeds such as on the Interstate, “said Lane.

Florida officials ask the drivers to awaken the extreme caution after several accidents, including a fatal staging in Orlando, with increasing travel trip.

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“I think we'll probably see a lot of record levels,” said Cindi Lane from the Florida Ministry of Transport.

The crews closed every hour after the fatal crash for a few hours in a west direction of I-4, but it was not the only incident along the streets of Central Florida on the last day.

Another crash to 429 in Orange County sent four people to the hospital after a driver turned out of his lane and beaten a van who was then hit by a tractor, who hit another saddle train.

“If you have a crash at high speed, you have a serious injury and it's worse,” said Lane. “Many people in central florida this week are visitors who don't know our streets as well as we do.”

Lane warns the drivers to consider these tips:

  • No distracted driving, like an SMS or a mess with your radio.
  • The same applies to impaired driving, including sleepier driving.
  • Pay attention to pedestrians, especially on beaches.
  • Stop these seat belts and keep your eye in the eye.

“While you are perhaps a good driver, you really have to take the other drivers in your area into account when traveling, especially at high speeds such as on the Interstate,” said Lane.

According to Lane, it is crucial to maintain the same speed or stay below it, since high -speed collisions can lead to significantly more dangerous results.