
Rochester PD reports “largest” cyber -sex criminal investigations

Rochester, MN (Kroc -AM News) -The Rochester police authority today reported on an arrest in connection with what was described as the department's greatest cyber examination of the department for compulsion, exploitation and production of child pornography.

Amanda Grayson, the police authority communication coordinator, said that the investigation of the forensicists of Rochester Police Technology started last November and identified more than 150 victims. A press release says that the victims were in several countries and countries. According to Grayson, detectives also expect to identify additional victims in this case.

TJ Leverentz/TSM Rochester Preston

TJ Leverentz/TSM Rochester Preston

The man arrested in connection with the investigation was identified as 43-year-old John Timmerman by Rochester. The press release shows that it is exposed to several crime fees, including advertising for a child through electronic communication, a minor for sexual performance/pornographic work and sexual blackmail. It is expected that he will be charged in front of the County Court in Olmsted tomorrow.

According to Grayson, the Sheriff office of Olmsted County, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Correete, and the FBI support the continued investigation.

The 5 most common crimes in Minnesota

Transport violations are probably the most common type of crime in Minnesota. We are all guilty of walking a little quickly, and some may forget to use their indicators, so we let them off from this list. According to the law of the White and Associates, these are the most common crimes that bring them into serious difficulties.

Gallery credit: Troy Dunkel