
Rockstar has acquired the studio, which La Noire and Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy has released and updated

Rockstar Games is expanding its series of video game development studios by adding a team to work routinely in the past.

According to Business Wire, Rockstar has acquired video games Deluxe, the studio that was recently responsible for the new publications and the upgrades to La Noire, La Noire: The VR – Fall Files and Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitely Edition. The studio based in Australia and Sydney will be renamed Rockstar Australia as part of this deal and is apparently responsible for all things that will be ported and updated for rock stars in the future.

The video games Deluxe (and now Rockstar Australia's), Brendan McNamara, spoke about being officially part of Rockstar, said: “It was an honor to work closely with Rockstar Games in the past decade. We are pleased to be part of the rock star Games and continue our efforts to make the best games possible.”

It is unclear how much the takeover of video games Deluxe Rockstar cost.