
Sacrifice condemned by defense in shooting

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The victim of a non-fatal shootout was confronted against a varied cross-trip interrogation on March 13 in front of a jury in the courtroom of the DC judge of the Supreme Court, Carmen Mclean.

The 26 -year -old Ni'jhae Curry is given two charges for assault with a dangerous weapon, hazard with a firearm, the possession of a firearm while crime of violence, to bear a pistol without license, and possession of a forbidden weapon for her alleged participation in the alleged participation.

In her certificate, the victim reported after Curry worked with Curry and got to know each other before Curry went to the same apartment complex. After an outbreak, the two of them often began to argue at work, which allegedly culminated in Curry's victim.

The victim said that Curry aggressively turned to her and stated that she wanted to fight and asked her to defend herself. After the couple was separated, the victim finally left the area to meet the police who reacted to their 911 call. Then Curry supposedly returned with a weapon and shot in the direction of the victim.

Curry's lawyer, Jonathon Love, asked the victim of previous arguments with curry. According to love, the victim allegedly spread rumors about Curry, which led to the victim received an e -mail that warned her “unprofessional behavior”.

The cross -interchanges brought numerous objections to the public prosecutor against argumentative tactics, with judge McLean often taking the public prosecutor's side. They quoted the victim about their ability to defend themselves. She said that she had seen many fights from Southeast DC, but love she repeatedly accused of being in fighting.

A crime technician of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) said that he had acquired a swab of Curry's DNA in order to use it as a reference to other DNA evidence.

A DNA analyst said that rehearsals from the firearms and magazines obtained are very likely to wear curry genetic fingerprint.

The parties should arise again on March 17th.