
Sacrifice of fatal Springfield shootings identified

Springfield, MA (WGGB/WSHM) – The authorities published the name of a woman who was killed in Springfield last week at a shootout.

Ryan Walsh, spokesman for the police in Springfield, said that the officials were referred to in the 0-100 block of all Park Road for the “unknown difficulties” around 3 a.m.

When they arrived at home, they found two shooting victims. A woman died at the scene while a man with non -life -threatening injuries was brought to the Baystate Medical Center.

On Tuesday, the Hampden public prosecutor identified the victim as a 54-year-old Leslie Westbrook from Springfield.

Each with information is requested to meet the Detective Unit of Springfield Police at (413) 787-6355 or “Text-A-Tip” to crime (274637) and in the message and type your tip.

The case is examined in connection with the murder unit of the district prosecutor of Hampden in cooperation with the murder unit of the district prosecutor's office in Springfield.