
SAG-ATTRA video players keep the strike post while the strike continues

SAG-ATTRA video games, which had committed a strike against all video game companies for the interactive media contract for over seven months, defy the La Rain for the first strike post on Wednesday.

“Due to the forest fires and the award line season and everyone with which the world has to do with diversity From the strike post outside the WB games in Burank. “We can resume this again and remind people that we are Despite it Battle.”

While SAG-ATTRA and the negotiation committee of video game companies (including Activision productions, Blindlight, Disney Character Voices, Electronic Arts Productions, Formosa Interactive, Insomniac Games, Lama productions, 2 productions and WB games were able to use generative, in the game From generative, in the games, especially in the areas in which the applications in the areas of Games-Ai-Ai-Ai-Ai-Ai circumference, in relation to the use of games, in terms of use of games, in relation to the use of games, include the use of games.

“For me, it comes to three things,” said Yuri Lowenthal Yuri Lowenthal, who is primarily known for his performance as Peter Parker in the “Spider -Man” series of Insomniac Games. “Consent is the consent that you will not use the data we recorded to create a service that we do not tell about anything. Two, compensation: If you do something like this, we deserve a piece of it. Otherwise, actors are no longer paid and everything is over for us. And three: control, to be able to pursue this kind of things and know where to go. “

Several SAG-ATTRA speakers in the strike post were frustrated that there is still no solution on the horizon, since the Hollywood work disputes of 2023, which had similar concerns regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the media, were included in much less time. “It is very annoying that the on-camera movement fought as hard as it was and they were able to achieve a deal in four months,” says Marin M. Miller, the language actor “Hades”. “We are very angry that we will not be taken seriously at this point.”

For Miller, the idea of ​​an AI-generated language clone defeated the entire purpose of making art. Referring to your performance as a nimbus in “Destiny 2”, said Miller diversity“When they experienced a traumatic loss, they saw a vulnerability at the session when I took these lines. I was sexually attacked in life earlier. There were moments when I drew, where I masked the pain, to be sexually attacked by telling jokes, and I did that for this performance. ”

They continued: “I didn't -nine people to me to come to me to tell me how much it means to see a non -binary person who works in the media and only exists. Although I am not there for them in these moments when the character and they interact, I still have this moment of intimacy, the connection. There is no intimacy or connection if this work is done by a robot. I am only used as a puppet. “

The language actor Scott Lambright repeated Millers and added: “The AI ​​will quickly share it in Studios who do not use AI, and studios who do it … It will create a golf in quality between art of passionate people, and, I think the term is Slop. “”

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, Managing Director of SAG-Aftra, told diversity Last year that the publisher's arguments of the publisher of video players about why they cannot agree to the AI ​​language in terms of exercise and performance consumption is unfounded. Publishers argue that Motion Capture work is largely used as a fusion of the performers of the actors in video games and that the producers are unable to take into account the compensation.

Norris said that there is still no clear end in sight because this most important problem has not moved. “You didn't offer us anything sensible. We are not as close as you can sound what is unhappy, because what we ask is still very reasonable: If you use my data to carry out your game, if you use my performance, I would like to know and I would like to be compensated. “

Norris hopes how the strike continues, that more television and film actors will draw attention to the fight and be at their side at strike posts how many player actors did for them in 2023. The way she sees it is advantageous for both sides. “We are at the forefront here when humanity is replaced in the story of the human state,” she said. “This part of the industry is a Canaria man in the coalemine, and hope that other aspects of this industry understand. We all see it in real time, and when they come out and support us, it supports them. It supports its fight. “