
Saints fans make feelings clear with astonishing survey result in the future of Juric

Saints Manager Ivan Juric braucht dringend Ergebnisse, um seinen Job bei St. Mary's <i> (Image: Pa) to save. </I>” bad-src = “ Ptk2mdtopty0ma-/https: // ” src = “ 2mdtopty0ma-/https: // “/><button class=

Saints Manager Ivan Juric urgently needs results to save his job at St. Mary's (Image: Pa)

The fans of Saints made their thoughts clear about Ivan Juric's future, whereby over 94 percent of those surveyed have changed a survey on social media.

The St. Mary team is located in the Premier League and sits for the championship, possibly with very few points that have ever been accumulated in the upper escape.

Under Juric, the saints recorded a victory and defeated eleven times in 12 games after the defeat against relegation against rival wolves was defeated on Saturday on Saturday.

This result expanded the gap from the saints to security to 17 points, with 27 points to play, which means that they could be relegated in two seasons.

The technical director Johannes Spors insists that he has not made a decision about the head coach, but it is unlikely that Juric will be responsible for the saints next season.

On the social media website X we asked Saints fans to receive their judgment about what should happen with Juric and offer them four options that you can be about.

Exactly 2,680 responded to the survey and massive 60.8 percent of those surveyed – around 1,629 – want the club to separate from the Juric.

Another 33.3 percent – at the same time around 892 respondents – believe that the club should separate with the Juric, but do so at the end of the season.

This means that 2,521 of 2,680 Saints fans who answered have already decided that Juric should not be responsible for the club for the championship.

Only 4.3 percent of those surveyed, around 115, believe that the club should postpone its decision over the manager to the end of the Premier League.

In response to the social media contribution, the user said @Connorarmstrong: “As soon as it is official, release him to publish part of the pressure and to make it clear that he will not be trusted that he will be back up.”

@liamliosmyth added: “Now it will make no difference, it is clear that he is gone at the end of the season anyway.”

@Chrizzal said: “Part because of, but don't let the new manager yet. Give the Rusk team until the end of the season.”