
Santa Rosa Kitchen Fire Kills Dog – NBC Bay Area

A kitchen fire that escalated, killed a dog and caused damage worth $ 150,000 in a residential area in a residential area in a residential area in a residential area in a residential area.

According to the Santa Rosa fire brigade, their crews in the 600 block of the Cordelia Drive were made aware of a structural fire. They learned from several callers that a kitchen was on fire.

On arrival, the crews found a one-story duplex house on fire. Firefighters had to cut holes in the roof to curb the fire, which was reported to be carried out in about 20 minutes.

Firefighters found a non -reacting little adult dog inside. They tried to revive, but the dog finally succumbed to his injuries.

The fire brigade said that despite the animal's death, six other dogs, mainly puppies, were saved by the residents.

The crews said that the fire had destroyed all content in the residence, while a connected neighboring structure had minor smoke damage.

Feuerer investigators said the fire was not suspicious in nature, but it is still being examined.