
Satellite attempt aims to contain SA -Wasser main leaks

In a South Australian first SA water, the use of satellites is carried out in order to proactively predict leaks and break in the waterhaupetz of the state in order to minimize the effects on the community.

With more than 820 kilometers of underground pipes over the northeastern suburbs of Adelaide, the attempt is used to use satellite images and surveillance to precisely evaluate the floor movement. This is one of the main causes of water leaks and brings and lift potential incidents before they occur.

The scans help SA to capture potential future pipe breaks, whereby the information made available to the operational crews is proactively when managing water repairs and effects of the workload.

The attempt will cover areas of Athelstone and Rostrevor, which are among the suburbs that are most susceptible to the main water incidents

These suburbs are located in the Adelaide Foothills with a unique combination of soil layers that shift when drying out or wet.

The satellite attempt is part of the ongoing investments in intelligent technology from SA Water.

In the past two years, more than 1,000 printers and acoustic sensors have been installed in Adelaide in the past two years, whereby additional installations are planned by the end of 2025.

By monitoring acoustic patterns and changes in the water flow or pressure, the smart technology uses real-time data to further investigate potential pipe cracks in the underground water pipes.

In the past 12 months alone, more than 250 leaks have been recorded and addressed by these sensors, which contributes to minimizing the potential effects on the community that could contain a temporary disorder of their water supply or effects on the commuters on important arterial roads.

This happens in a persistent period of drier than average conditions in large parts of South Australia, which is expected to increase water this year.

Sustainable periods with fewer precipitation can shrink or crack the floor, which shifted underground pipes and increases the risk of leaks or breaks.

Together with the satellite attempt and the intelligent networks, SA Water has additional crews in standby to manage the predicted increase in the main incidents of water.

The community is also asked to report the LEKKS for SA-Water based in Adelaide or the Lecks customer care center based in Adelaide so that they can be prioritized by SA Water Field crews.

Like from Nick Champion

We always strive to be innovative and find new ways to minimize the potential effects of main water breaks.

We have already seen results.

The new acoustic sensors installed in Adelaide have contributed to recognizing hundreds of small leaks.

Hopefully this new satellite technology test will help the crews to fix a mistake before becoming a bigger problem and saves time and money in future repairs.

With the persistent dry conditions, the areas of Adelaide become more susceptible to water leaks and burns. The use of this new technology can help us reduce the effects on the community.

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