
Saturday evening e-newspaper | Download issue 31 here for free

Date: Sa March 15, 2025

From Andy Poole

The return of a classic concept, but with a modern turn

The latest edition of our new Saturday evening E-newspaper is here!

It is the return of a classic from days when football fans were enthusiastic about the local newspapers at a tea period on a Saturday evening to pick up a copy of their local sports paper, hot from the press.

With reports from the games of the day as well as results, tables and the latest news and functions, it was a major reading.

This season, the Southern League brought back this concept, but with a modern turn. Here as a free download from 7.30 p.m. every Saturday evening during the 2024/25 season, we will bring reports about all games in the Southern League and all statistics you need, mixed with messages and functions.

Our goal is to present everything that is good in the Southern League and to give everyone involved the reporting that they deserve.

We would really look forward to every feedback to constantly develop this publication. No other league is such a project and we want to make this a real success.

Please contact the publisher Andy Poole, via: | Send e -mail

Click the cover to display – Have fun reading …