
Saw to organize spring celebration with free plants, garden tips

In his most recent initiative, people will be invited to a SAWS Spring Bloom Party on Saturday, March 8, in the front yard of the SAWS headquarters in the US Highway 281 North, San Antonio, TX 78212. The event lasts from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will be on tips on the garden such as a Texan, Aka, a Labbler Garden and a Labends Garden that have a laboratory garden for Pollinern, and a gardening garden and a power -disturbing garden for polliners, the idea of ​​aka, a powerful garden, the ancestor and a disturbing garden, the idea of ​​aka, for bollins and pollins, the idea of Aka, lasts.

Guests can advise local natural experts and shop for sales in local plants, herbs and drought -tolerant green. Families of all ages can also take part in garden, pollination and water parenting activities in order to receive a practical learning experience.

The event begins with a session at 9:30 a.m. on how gardeners can help pollinators all year round and continues with a 10 o'clock session on survival strategies for landscapes under Dürrebenungen.

It is recommended that visitors arrive early because the first 1,000 adult guests (from 18 years) receive a free work for water racks. Due to the event that begins during the spring break, traffic in the area can be strong.