
Sean Baker, Samantha Quan in Plattenbuch

For the second time in a row, Oscar was the best picture in the family.

Husband and wife Sean Baker and Samantha Quan have statuettes for the production of the comedy drama “Anora” one year after the spouses Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas have won the same award for “Oppenheimer”.

Baker and Quan, who shared the award with producer Alex Coco, are the fourth – or fifth; See the “Lord of the Rings” team below – romantic partners to achieve the most coveted price of the Oscar.

Julia Phillips was the first female producer to win the best picture for the mystery drama “The Sting” in 1973 51 years ago, which she produced together with Tony Bill and her husband Michael Phillips at the time. They divorced in the same year as their Oscar victory, but continued to work together and produced “taxi drivers” and “close encounters of the third species”.

Phillips wrote the brutal, blasty and best -selling memoirs “You will never eat again in this city” and recorded your experiences in Hollywood before her death in 2002.

In 1990 the spouses Richard Zanuck and Lili Fini Zanuck won the best picture for the production of “Drive Miss Daisy”. They were married until Richard's death in 2012. Lili Fini Zanuck led the silica drama “Rush” in 1991 and continued to produce. In 2015 he won an Emmy for the biopian “Bessie” with Queen Latifah.

In 2004 the partners Fran Walsh and Peter Jackson also won the best picture (with colleagues Barrie M. Osborne) for “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”.

Walsh and Jackson have two children together, but never officially married. “He never asked me, and if he did it, I would probably not say yes,” Walsh 2012 told the New York Times.

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