
SEC Chief favors the 9-game football plan for football with one exception

SEC commissioner Greg Sankey said he preferred the conference that plays a football plan with nine games.

“One of the problems in the room for our athletics directors is what seemed to be most important, the number on the right, the number of losses. And how do we understand what this means for our schedule? “Sagey said during his appearance in the Paulinbaum show.

“I am one who said that I really think we should try to move towards a conference plan with nine games. I think that can be positive for many reasons. They observe the interest in conference games. But not if we lead to losing opportunities. “

But this support comes with an important exception: it is for the ninth game as long as the conference does not seem to be harmed when choosing the playoffs in college football.

There was some speculation that the SEC's decision to add the ninth game is due to whether the conference can receive guaranteed offers in a new college football format from the 2026 season.

SEC and Big Ten leaders have held private conversations Via an extended 14-team playoffs in which each league would receive four guaranteed places, reports say.

Sankey confirmed that such a conversation took place, which was called the car bids as assignments.

“Have our sports directors talk about further allegations, regardless of whether they want to name these automatic commandments? Sure, ”said Saney.

“You also talked about ideas to evaluate the strength of the schedule and try to better understand how this analysis is carried out.

“I think we should probably slow down a little if we jump to conclusions because there is a lot to do in a short time, be it our planning decisions or discussions about the future college football playoff.”

The SEC discussed to add a ninth conference game For a few years on his football plan, but remained in the middle of financial and competitive concerns about another league game at eight.

The SEC has played eight football games for conference since the 1992 season, although the addition of a ninth game has won traction as a topic in the league in the past three years.

Sagey said last summer That the conference would take the opportunity to examine how the first 12-team college football playoff went out to judge whether the addition of the additional game of the league and its members would benefit.

Arguments for and against adding another conference game have dominated the conversation in the entire Sec.

Those who are in favor believe that another game would mean more income for schools and conference, and would allow schools to play in a league more often in a league that has expanded to 16 members.

Those against another game claim that the SEC time plan is already the most difficult in college football and is still more difficult by adding more to the plate.

There is also some concerns that the introduction of another game would be more difficult for some SEC teams to achieve the six victories required that are suitable for a non-playoff Bowl game.

Despite all the concerns about adding another game, it seems that the impetus within the second definitely leads to a game of the ninth league is introduced into the football plan.

“Maybe we'll turn a coin over eight or nine,” joked Sankey. “We have some practice.”

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