
Second Sunday of Lent – March 16, 2025 – Liturgical calendar

Mass readings

March 16, 2025 (readings on the USCCB website)

Collect prayer

Second Sunday of Lent: O God who ordered us to listen to her beloved son are happy to pray ourselves to nourish ourselves through their word so that we can look forward to seeing their glory with pure, pure, pure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and rules with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever.


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Between Moses and Elias Jesus shows his divine glory and so his resurrection. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all things. Today's mass places us in front of us the referred gentleman and the model we have to tend to, and our own transfiguration as a goal that we need to achieve. We achieve this goal through a profound realization of our sin and needs of a Redeemer; By preserving the purity of body and soul; By combating our passions and meat instincts and observing the commandments and above all through participation in the mass. Cathedral Daily Missal

Today's station church >>>

Comment on the mass readings on the second Sunday of Lent, year C:

The First reading comes from the book of Genesis 15: 5-12; 17-18. God made a covenant or a pact with Abram in which he promised to make Abram the father of a great breed that he would give the country of Kanaan as her territory. Abram's faith is praised because he believed that he would have God's promise, that is that he would have offspring, even though his wife Sarah was sterile.

The Second reading Is out of the letter from St. Paul to the Philippers 3:17; 4: 1. In the previous verses, St. Paul told his converts that he gave up all earthly things for the Christian faith and promise. He admits that he is anything but perfect, but he continues to press on the way to heaven.

The Gospel is from St. Lukas 9: 28-36. From the abundance of his divine love, God gave the three disciples a look at the future glory of Christ in his resurrected humanity. And with Christ he also showed two more of his loyal servants in glory. He understood the human weakness of the disciples and predicted the shock for their faith, which the sad scenes of passion and crucifixion of their beloved master would be a few weeks later. In order to strengthen and interrupt them for this sad attempt, he gave them a look at the future glory, which should also be them if they hold out.

For the same reason, this important event in the life of Christ and his apostles was preserved for us in our Gospels and placed from us today.

Like the apostles, we. Also believe in God. We. It is also convinced that Christ was sent by God to take us to heaven. We now have much more convincing evidence that Christ was not only the Messiah, a envoy God, but the Son of God – something that the apostles did not understand at the time. But we are in our human weakness and in our half -hearted acceptance of the purpose of God and were still very similar.

The apostles had to put the terrible test on their faith and trust in God, which the passion and crucifixion of Christ was for them. We now accept with gratitude and recognize that Christ “had to suffer and thus go into his glory”. We even understand that the purpose of the passion of Christ was that despite our mortality and weakness, we could also go into eternal glory through its suffering, on the condition that we remain true to our faith.

In our moments of cool, quiet thinking, we can clearly see how good God was for us, how wonderful his love, which has arranged an eternity of happiness for us, the complete fulfillment of every rational human desire. We can also see how little God asks us here in our few years, in return for the eternal happy home, which he prepared for us.

But unfortunately we have many moments in life when cool, quiet thinking is not. We have moments when our trucks and not our virtues take responsibility, moments when we are ready to sell our eternal legacy in exchange for a mess of earthly pots. Some of us may have already killed our heavenly home for a time gain or a pleasure – but while there is life, there is hope. We can still put things in order with God.

“Lord, it's good for us to be here”; It is wonderful to become adopted sons of God on the street back to our father. It is wonderful to assure that this body will give space in death with its pain in death, its attraction for earthly things and even worse his tendency to sin, a glorified body. This glorified body will be free of pain and corruption and all human spiritual gifts of intelligence and will have as much greater than we will make it possible to appreciate and enjoy eternal happiness for us.

– Excerted by The Sunday readings By Fr. Kevin O'Sullivan, OFM

Second Sunday of Lent
Station with Santa Maria in Domnica Alla Navicella (St. Mary in Domnica):

The station church in Rome is in the church of St. Mary in Domnicaon Monte Celio. Tradition tells us that in this basilica it was diacononic of which St. Lawrence had the indictment and from which he distributed the arms of the church to his arms.

For more on Santa Maria in Domnica Alla Navicellasee:

Further information on the station skirts can be found in the station church.