
Senior IDF officer loses sensitive military documents – Israel News

The IDF's information security department is currently investigating an incident in which Brigg. Gen. (res.) Erez Wiener lost classified military documents.

About a month ago, Wiener, who held a leading position in the southern command, left a building in a civilian complex in the center of Israel. During his visit, he dropped several classified documents and left the premises. A security officer at this point identified the documents as highly sensitive IDF materials and reported the police incident.

According to the report, the documents were returned to the IDF and it was decided to open an investigation within the IDF information department instead of forwarding the case to the Military Police Criminal Investigation Division (CID).

According to sources that were familiar with the case, the documents seemed to have been unintentionally laid. The IDF's information security department examines whether the documents “covering goals” or another sensitive material contained, the exposure of which could harm.

Wiener, a former CEO of Willi-Food, previously worked as an assistant to the IDF chief and attracted public attention during the “Harpaz affair”.

Southern Command Commander, Major General Yaron Finkelman, in the Gaza Strip, January 18, 2025. (Credit: IDF spokesman for the spokesman)

Previous studies

In 2015, the public prosecutor decided to conclude the case despite previous recommendations to complain about it. The police investigation at the time showed that Viennese and former IDF spokesman Avi Benayah had coordinated to destroy and align evidence after Viennese was informed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by the then chief of staff by Prime Minister Netanyahu to investigate a suspicious leak in March 2010.

The investigation also showed that Benayahu illegally announced a journalist.

The police recommended that Benayahu to be reported to the trust, the destruction of evidence and the disability of the judiciary for violating the trust. They also found that there was enough evidence to accuse him of the negligence in dealing with classified information that came in his possession and endanger national security by not properly saving classified materials in his house – a similar crime that was attributed to Viennese.

A comparable incident occurred in 2017, as computers that contained classified military data, were stolen from the home of the personnel directorate at the time, Major General Hagai Topolanski. After an examination of the theft, Topolanski applied for a decision to withdraw from his position, a decision that the then chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot accepted.