
Several Dalkslücks in Milford High promptly dozens of buckets in halls – Boston 25 messages

Milford, mass. – The students of the Milford High School navigate an obstacle course of buckets and recycling containers with dirty water from several licks.

The parents sent Boston 25 news pictures and a video of corridors and common areas that are moved with dozens of Bins brown water and that the students say that it smells terribly. A photo shows a building cone that is upside down on a stair railing and apparently leads water into a bucket underneath.

Several families shared concerns about the health and safety of their children as well as teachers and administrators.

“I was horrified. That was disgusting, ”said Samantha Gundacker of her 16-year-old daughter and showed her the photos. “My concerns are of course health. I am certain that there are many students who have asthma and immunocompromised systems that – when – when a mold grows in the wall, which is probably growing, which is likely to exist – who would influence every student and our teachers and employees who are also in the building. “